Forbidden Chapter Two

Start from the beginning

Leo blinked a few times. Was it truly worth putting all his trust into this Beast? Well... Leo didn't see why not... He could do some actual research, look into everything he thought was necessary. "Uhh..." Leo mumbled out, his mind like a disorderly Spider Web, his thoughts jumbled around. Well... It DID stop the pain on his cheek due to the wound inflicted by his Father... Leo Sighed.

"F-Fine. But d-don't expect anything! Just because I'm a Prince doesn't mean I know e-everything!" (Y/n)'s Chuckle echoed in his mind, sending a Sensational Tingle up and down his spine. "You most certainly are interesting, Young Prince. I'll be waiting for you." She then flapped her huge wings, the Body Parts taking her into the Skies. Without making a whisper, she flew off, leaving only the Imprint of her Mystical Form in Leo's Mind. Leo let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, falling to his knees and looking to the ground. His left-hand unconsciously reached up and touched the cheek that his Father's Armored Hand had left a Nasty Wound on. He gasped slightly when he felt nothing. Quickly looking down into the Murky Puddle underneath him, he saw the wound was completely gone. Blinking in disbelief, his hand fell back down to his side again. He heard an Uncomfortable Snort behind him, and he looked to see his horse pawing the ground impatiently. Leo sighed at the beast's behavior. "I know, you want to go home... And I... I can't stay away from there forever... Nohr is relying on me..." Leo muttered. His Horse let out another Snort, this one a bit Gentler than the last one. Slowly, Leo pulled himself to his feet, walking over to his Horse and pulling himself into the Saddle. "Thanks, Buddy..." He whispered, stroking the neck of his Battle Companion. Pulling the reins so his horse was facing the area that they came from, he spurred it into a Run, racing back to Castle Krackeburg.

~Time Skip Brought By Odin's Aching Blood! However real it may be...~

The Sound of Horse Hooves rattled across the Cobblestone Bridge leading to Castle Krackenburg, the Armored Beast huffing in exhaustion at its pace. Once the Horse and its Rider, Leo, reached the Castle Doors, Leo quickly dismounted his Horse, handing the reins to a nearby Maid, who bowed politely at him before taking the Reins and walking towards the Stables. Leo quickly ran towards the Castle, running into the Wide, Purple-Clad, Candle Lit Halls. His eyes scanned back and forth, looking for any Signs of Life. When he saw none, he bolted forward, towards the Throne Room. When he reached the Heavy Doors, he took a deep breath, and cracked them open, peeking into the room. On the Floor, in front of the Obsidian Throne, sat Brynhildr. Leo seemed to have dropped it when he was running from his Father. He looked to the Throne, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw that no one was sitting in it. Quickly, he ran in and snatched up the Mystic Spellbook, then ran out father than he came in. He quickly closed the Throne Room Doors, pressing his body against them while clutching the Sacred Tome to his Chest. Breathing heavily, he listened closely to the other side of the doors, listening if he could hear any signs of movement.


Breathing out a Sigh of Relief, he darted his eyes back and forth across the Darkened Hall in front of him, checking for anything alive. When he saw and heard nothing, he took off down the halls once more, making sure to not drop his Sacred Spelltome again. It took him awhile, but he finally reached what he considered to be the Treasure of Castle Krackenburg. The Grand Library. His eyes took in the Mile-High Shelving around him, scanning up and down, looking for a place to start. Quickly walking past each shelf, his mind inwardly battling on exactly which shelf to start on, he eventually decided on the 'Legends' Section of the Library. There had to be something there. Placing Brynhildr on a nearby desk, he ran over to the 'Legends' Bookshelf, dragging a ladder with him and proceeding to climb all the way to the top, the height not bothering him in the slightest. Snapping his fingers, a ghostly, blue light appeared next to him, illuminating the Spines of the Books in front of him. He then started tapping his fingers against his chin in thought, biting his lip.

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