Chapter 31: Locked in

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I wake up to the sound of the rebel alarm blaring, I look over at Maxon who is already sitting up, eyes wide and getting his robe and slippers while I get mine.

"Maxon you go get the kids, okay? Hurry!"

"Your coming with me!" Maxon says

"I'll be fine, I'll meet you at the royal safe room, okay?"

"Fine. But this is the only time I am letting you do this"

"Thank you, I love you!" I give him a kiss and he runs out the door to get the kids.

I run out of he room and am immediately grabbed by a rebel, "Where do you think your going little miss diamonds?" He has me in a headlock but I can't wiggle free, his grip is too tight.

"Oh you know taking a nice stroll through the palace" I say sarcastically "WHAT AND WHERE DO YOU THINK IM GOING AND DOING!?" "Ahhhh, feisty, just how I like them." He says.

I kick him in the groin and he falls to the ground in pain. I smirk and walk off, but then remember that we are under attack. I try to make it to the royal safe room but it is surrounded by rebels. Crap! I think.

I run until I find a guard who spots me. "Your majesty, what are you doing out of the safe room?!" "Oh! The royal safe room is surrounded by rebels, there is no way in Officer McCat!"

"I'll bring you to another safe room nearby! Move quick!". He finds a safe room for me and is about to close the door when I say "When the  fight is over, you come and get me" "Yes your majesty" and he closest the door and walks off. Now it's just me and the room.

Maxon's POV

I have all the kids with me and we made it to into the safe room' the only problem is......... where is America? I think about where she could be....... With the rebels? NO!.......Dead?.....NO MAXON! Don't think like that! Where could she be?

I start hyperventilating and a doctor comes over to me to try to calm me down.

I lay down and I end up falling into a dreamless sleep.

America's POV

I have been in this safe room for I think three hours, but I'm not sure. I'm getting tired so I decide to fall asleep.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
I have a bunch of state tests coming.

I will be starting a new story soon which means that this one will be coming to an end!

Bye guys!

Tugging my ear whenever ;)

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