Chapter Three: Honeymoon Pt.2

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Once Maxon helped me out of the car Maxon took off my blindfold. In front of me was a little cottage big enough for me and Maxon. Right beside it was another cottage for the maids and guards that we brought with us for safety just in case. "Maxon before you say anything can you please tell me where we are?" Maxon smiled "Hawaii" "Oh Maxon this is wonderful!" I said happily. "Do you like it?" Maxon asked nervously "It's lovely" I smiled at Maxon, He had a huge grin plastered on his face "Get your swimsuit on were swimmin'". I ran into the cottage and got my swimsuit out and put it on it was a ocean tealish color. I came out and Maxon came up and kissed me "Race ya to the ocean!" Maxon started sprinting, I caught up to him right as he touched the shoreline and picked me up bridal style "Maxon put me down!" I said while laughing "Okay my dear whatever you say". Maxon drops me right in the water! I run back up to shore and Maxon is laughing like crazy. Maxon starts to run after he sees me running towards him. I stop right at the shoreline and get on my knees and act like I got hurt. Maxon runs right over to me "Oh my goodness America are you okay!?!?!" Right as a big wave comes crashing to shore I run back to the cottage and Maxon gets totally soaked! "Haha funny America!" Maxon says with sarcasm in his voice and we go take a nap.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I didn't have much time to write this sooooo..... Yeah! Hope you like it and the next time I post another part will maybe be anytime tomorrow or Friday or the weekend if I have time otherwise Monday! See ya!

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