Chapter 18: Watching my every move

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So Maxon hasn't let me go anywhere by myself and either he has to go with me or a gaurd has to. It's really annoying. Like REALLY annoying. Maxon has me trapped in my room with two guards at my door at all times in case I want to leave or if I try to escape from my room. I have decided to use the safe room door in my room that leads to the royal safe room that also goes to the other entrances. I leave through there.

I make it out alive! There is no gaurd guarding this so that's amazing. I took the hall that leads to the selection rooms. and went down the staircase there. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed myself some food and then headed back the way I came.

As I came back into my room I saw a really worried Maxon on my bed. "um Maxon?" he turns around and looks at me "Oh my goodness America! There you are, I was so worried, don't do that again!"

"Sorry Maxon, I was hungry and I wanted to go by myself"


"Maxon calm down" I said in a calm voice even though I was scared.

He stood up and I backed away, not knowing what was going to happen. He made his way out of my room and I heard the guards and Maxon talking. All I heard was Maxon saying that I can leave the room but I will have to say where I'm going.

Maxon came back in "I'm guessing you heard that"

"Yeah I did. I didn't mean to listen-" Maxon cut me off by giving me a kiss.

"I don't care, as long as you are safe" he said while looking in my eyes.

He kisses me for a while and we go see the kids.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter I just didn't want to leave you waiting for a while for the next update. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR OVER 500 VEIEWS!!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!! But please comment Names and genders in the comments in what you want the baby to be and the name of the baby! Thank you! Bye guys!

Tugging my ear whenever ;)

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