"can i kiss you?" (carl g.)

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plot- reader is at the sanctuary and when they take their trip to alexandria, takes a liking to carl

word count- 4083

warnings- mentions of death

The sunlight shines through the blinds of my usually dim room. It's the only time of day when my room has a brighter feel to it. I take advantage of that since the place in which I live is swallowed by darkness each and every day.

My hands travel to my face as I grip at the roots of my hair and stretch my back in weird, uncomfortable positions. My body aches with every movement but nothing will hurt more than losing the ones I love.

My mother.
My father.
My sister.

I lost them all to Negan. I lost them all to the man I live with in the same place. I exist with him and every day it pains me more and more. Each day is a reminder of what he's taken from me.

I swing my feet over the side of the bed and when they land on the hard wood floor, chills run throughout my body. Negan always insists on me being up early and doing rounds with his main crew. There is nothing more I absolutely hate than being one of his crew. I don't consider myself one. I only do it to survive and half the time I'm rebelling.

After going through my daily routines I lock up my room and make my way through the long and narrow hallways of this horrid place.

Before I reach where all our vehicles are, I can already hear Negan's deep voice echoing out. Instinctively, I roll my eyes and continue on my way. As I walk outside Negan instantly spots me and that annoying, god awful smiles creeps onto his face.

"Good morning Sunshine!" he yells.

God, how can someone be so incredibly deranged? He's sick. He really is. As I approach a group of Saviors and Negan; because they should obviously never be grouped together, he motions his head for me to follow him to the truck.

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly.

"Alexandria!" he yells in an enthusiastic voice. "I need to check up on em'. I guess I scared the shit out them last week."

I roll my eyes in disgust as I climb into the truck and lean my head against the window, dreaming of all the possibilities in which I could escape. I've tried. To escape.

I've mapped out all the exits. I've figured out who's on watch and when. I've confided in Negan's wives who desperately want out too. I've even gone to Doctor Carson and asked him to make me pills, pills that I could take before bed and I wouldn't have to hear Negan's demeaning voice because well, I wouldn't be awake.

"Lighten up Y/N." Negan states while nudging my shoulder as he pulls out of the compound. The fenced in area flooded with walkers makes me cringe, especially knowing that my family is in there.

My mother who held me while I cried my eyes out on multiple occasions. Who sung me to sleep when I woke from terrifying nightmares. Who carried me in her stomach for 9 months, went through extreme pain and then raised me for 17 years. She's in there.

My father who threatened to beat up any guy that ever so much as thought of breaking my heart. Who protected me from all things evil in this world and shielded me from hurt. Who made me midnight snacks and snuck me out of my room to watch TV past my bedtime. He's in there.

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