I left the wall before I got too deep in my thoughts and began, once again, wondering around. I saw older couples walking together, bits of Rick's group and some Alexandrian's but none I knew really. I guess Thaila, Jason and Milia were still inside.

I think I saw Maggie walking around with Daryl and Glenn. I just kept my head down to avoid the awkwardness of their different feelings. Maggie seeming to be still friendly and the same with Glenn but Daryl still acts like I'm a piece of gum on the bottom of a shoe. I understand though, I don't have trust and if I had a tiny bit, it is gone because of last night/ day.

After walking around for 17-ish more minutes, I found the pale blue house with a white trim. I walked up the steps and through the doorway into the living room. I took off my sneakers and threw them in the corner between the door and the wall.

"Hey, I'm back." I said towards the group of kids just sitting there, staring into oblivion or more like the wall.

"(y/n)! Where were you?" Milia asked, running towards me and hugged my thighs.

"Hey, I uh had to go to the place with food to give it to Rick." I said while pushing the brown hair out of her face.

"Well, judging from the sun setting, it is around 7 pm." "Hey! Is that my clothes?!" Thalia said pissed off.

"Yes, matter of fact, it is and they fit really well." I said back, teasingly.

"Oh, you're gonna get it!" Thalia said when she started to chase me.

I ran out the living room and into the kitchen. Well, more liked limped but you get it. I ran over to the backside of the island in the kitchen while Thalia remained at the other side of the island. Every time she tried to run around to the current side, I just ran the opposite direction.

"Ugh! Stop moving. God damn it!" Thalia stated, as if I'd listen to that.

"No way. I'm not gonna listen to that Dipshit!" I said as I ran out of the living room and up the stairs, laughing my ass off.

"Shit." "Okay, okay. I'm done running. That was an unneeded workout, jeez." Thalia said practically out of breath.

"Fine but I win. So, ha!" I stated triumphantly.

"By defaaaaultt." Jason said and then high fived Thalia.

"Hey! I won not her!" I said sounding like a five-year-old.

"Whatever. Twin Power!" Jason and Thalia said in unison.

I gave a scowl and said "Fuck faces..." under my breath.

"I heard that!" They said in unison.

"Oh well." I said as I walked up the stairs once more and walked into what I presumed Thalia's and I's shared bedroom, grabbed my journal from my backpack and climbed up on the top part of the bunk bed.

I laid down on the bed and went to go write but I didn't have a pen.

"Oi! Where the hell is my pen?" I got down from the bunk bed and looked around the room. I went over to the dresser and looked on it, just to find old deodorant, a grey hair brush that was old too, and a green Sharpie. 

'Well, that will have to do.'

I got back up to my previous place and went to the next fresh page and started to write.

Journal Entry #19                                                                                                                                                                
My leg still hurts from when I fell from the tree like a dumb-ass. And I also fell onto my back. Twice. Oh yeah, I decided to get some time to think and went outside the walls of Alexandria and lost track of time. And then I got chased by some dead ones and my haven was a fucking tree. I woke up after I fell from the tree and eventually got back to Alexandria. I had to give Rick the food and drinks I found but I got books too... Well, until next time, bye. 

When I finished my entry, I got down and grabbed my backpack and again, went back to my seat. I began to look through my backpack, it was mine from school. In the main pocket, It had some old clothes like one mid-arm length t-shirt and one pair of worn blue jeans. There was also some lady products under my pants. In the next pocket part, I had some color pencils along with a few pencils for when I feel like drawing.

There were only two more pockets and they were the small side ones. One had a couple of crumpled up plastic bags with a pocket knife wedged in between them and the other occasionally held my candy if I had any, which was rare. Now it only holds wrappers.

I miss going to school. Yeah, sure, the food was horrible but at least we had food to begin with. Homework. I would actually do anything to get homework again do that I know I have classes with people, living, breathing people. 

I threw my backpack to the ground, right over the head of the bed and laid down on my back.

'I can't believe that lost track of time and almost got lost... ugh!'

 I heard footsteps going up the stairs and into the hallway. They sounded loud, so not Milia and Thalia either, she drags her feet. So it had to be Jason.

I went on my right side to hide my face and pretended to be asleep.

"Hey, (y/n), we're gonna go for a walk- Oh, sorry. Wait you cant hear me because you're asleep... oh god." Jason just left the room after his pointless ramble and I slowly drifted off to sleep to the thoughts of what life could be know.


Timeskip: About 3 weeks

I started to wake up to sounds and they weren't low or mainly human. I immediately got up from the bed and ran downstairs and saw everyone in the living room, circling someone. I walked up to the circle of people which included Thalia, Rick, Daryl, Maggie, Glenn, and Carl and some others. Then I realized the small group of walkers that surrounded the house from the windows.

I walked into the circle and saw the worst thing possible. I went towards them, tears clouding my vision and nearly past out.

Word Count: 1726

A/N- Cliffhanger, I hate those personally but I wanted to try to write one. Well, another chapter should be up soon. I cannot wait to write the next chapter! Until then, Bye.

Also, if you want to read more Carl Grimes/ Chandler Riggs books, go read The_girl_31 books. They're awesome.

 They're awesome

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