Hug My Heart - Chapter 15 - My Fanfiction Had A Baby

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Recap: "Wh-what happened?"

Your P.O.V:

"Wh-what happened?" Sawyer asked. I was too in shock to answer anything. My heart was thrumming in my throat, and clogging my ears. All I could hear was the unsteady beats. I started to get light headed, and the room was spinning. Slowly things started to fade, before I was completely swallowed by the darkness.


I can hear something, I can't quite tell what it is, but I can hear it. I recognised it as voices. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could tell that one of the voices belonged to a male. I tried to listen harder, but it all just sounded so far away. I could also hear some steady beeping sound... wait... am I in a hospital?! Suddenly the memories came flooding back... The voice must have been Joey! I tried moving but I couldn't. I started getting really scared. I finally gave up and went to sleep.


I woke up, but this time I was able to open my eyes, and move. Thank god. I looked over to see Joey lying down in the chairs... crying? "J-Joey?" I squeezed out. He instantly shot up, and ran over to my bed. "Y-Y/n?! You're up!" He cried. "Wha... how long have I been out?" I asked. "3 weeks... they said you were in a coma." He said, his voice starting to get shaky. What?

Lara's P.O.V:

My phone started ringing. "Hello?" I said. It was Joey. "Hey... um... she's up." Joey said. What? She's up!!! "SAWYER!!!" I yelled. "Yeah?" He asked, appearing behind me. Jeeze talk about Edward Cullen much. "She's up." I state, smiling. He smiled and hugged me. We drove to the hospital, and when we got there the nurse immediately knew who we were. She took us to her room, and she was trying to eat some Jello. "Hey!" I said. She smiled "Hi!" Sawyer and I went over to hug her, when the doctor came in. "You can leave today." she said, and left.


We were at home, and Y/n was taking it easy. Her and Joey were upstairs, and Sawyer and I were watching T.V. Oh my gosh! I forgot to update my fanfic! ...Do I really need to fanfic now that I really am dating Sawyer? I have to remind Y/n. "Um... be right back k babe?" I say to Sawyer. He just nods in response. I run upstairs to Y/n and Joey's room. I've moved into Sawyer's room, and Y/n moved into Joey's. I knock on the door, and then open it. I found them cuddling watching TV. Their so cute. "Joey... can I speak with Y/n for a sec?" I ask. "Sure, of course." He says getting up. Y/n frowns. He left the room, and I waited for him to get downstairs. "Hey. How are you feeling." I ask. "Fine. better about 10 seconds ago..." she said. I laugh. "I'm sorry. But HEY! You missed my birthday!" I yelled, laughing. She didn't miss it, we just didnt have a huge celebration considering she had alot to do on that day. Our birthdays were seperated by 1 day less than 1 month. "Lara...." I heard Y/n say. "Sorry. I was just thinking." I said and laughed. "OH I ALMOST FORGOT! WE NEED TO UPDATE OUR STORIES!!!" I practically yelled. Y/n blushed. "Um... I don't think we really need to keep writing them... considering we actually ARE dating Joey and Sawyer... maybe we could update saying we're handing off our stories..."

Your P.O.V:

Lara and I spend the next hour chosing someone to continue our stories. I chose one of my readers, who clearly loved the story named Joeygraceffasbeard. I laughed at her name. She has a few Joey Fanfics of her own, and she seems pretty nice, I think she'll do a great job continuing my story. After a few more minutes Lara finally chose someone to take over her story, so we both messaged our people. They almost instantly messaged us back, eager, and extremely happy that we chose them. We made an announcement chapter saying that they would be continuing the story, because we had alot to do... and we just don't have time to update every week now. Lara and I both shut off our phones and went downstairs. Joey and Sawyer were both on the computer. I laughed. Joey saw me and walked over. He gently kissed me. He picked me up and sat me down on the couch. I rested my head on his chest, and slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


I woke up, still in Joey's arms, but we were'nt on the couch, we were in his room. I looked around, and noticed it was dark. I glanced at the clock. 3:35 a.m. Damn. I tried falling back asleep, but I was useless. I went to the bathroom to pee, and then went downstairs. Even Hitch was sleeping. I haven't really interacted with the little fluff nugget. I walked over to him, and sat down. He woke up, and started wagging his tail. I pet him and he rolled over. He's too cute. I got up, and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. All there was was 2 eggs, and Joey's chicken. I know not to mess with Joey's eggs and chicken. I looked in the cupords, and found some blueberry morning cereal. I know this is Joey's... but he doesn't eat it alot anymore. I poured myself some, and ate it. Mmm. I havent had this is forever. I cleaned my dishes. I tried off my hands and turned around to see someone standing there, staring at me.


*AUTHOR'S NOTE!          02.23.14

It's Hannah, and I just wanted to make a short, but sweet Author's Note to anyone who's reading!

OMG 1,200 FRICKEN READS! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Now the question is... can we get 100 votes?! I THINK WE CAN!!! Let's make it happen you guys! Don't forget to Like, Comment, Vote, Share, and add this story to your libraries and reading lists!

So... who do you think it is... the person that was standing behind you? Leave me a comment telling me what you think! Love it? Hate it? How would you change it? 

Well... I've gotta go!
I love you all!

P.S:A special thanks to JoeyGraceffasBeard for being in my story! I needed a cute and funny Joey username to use, and I thought yours would work perfectly!
Anyway I seriously gotta go...

TWITTER: @xHannahBanana01
TUMBLR: xHannahBanana01
INSTAGRAM: xHannahBanana01
VINE: xHannahBanana01

Untill next time...
But seriously bye!


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