Hug My Heart - Chapter 6 - Sluts These Days

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Recap: I pulled up at the resturant. "We're here."

Your P.O.V:

"We're here." Joey said. I look out the window to see a fancy looking resturant. He opened my door for me and took my hand as we walked in. The resturant was so beatiful! There was crystal chandaliers hanging from the ceiling, and silk tablecloths over the tables. I gasped at the sight. Joey smiled as we walked up to the desk. "Hello, do you have a reservation?" said the man at the desk. "Graceffa." Joey said. "Right this way." said the man as he lead us to a small booth directly under a chandalier. Joey picked up the menu, and started reading. I followed his actions. A waitress came to our table, "Do you know what you'd like?" She asked. "Um... I'll have the gormet chicken salad please." Joey said. "Of Course" she said winking. "And you?" "Um... I'll have what he's having." I said. "And to drink?" she said. "Do you drink?" Joey asked me. "Um... no not really." I said in response. "Ok, two ice waters please?" The waitress walked away and then came back with Joey's plate and his drink. She placed it down on the table infront of him, squishing her arms together as she did, making a massive cleavage. "Is my plate coming?" I ask. "Oh! What did you want again?" she asked innocently. "The same thing he ordered. The gormet chicken salad and an ice water." I said. She rolled her eyes and walked away. About 2 minutes later she came back with my food, then Joey and I started eating. "I'll be right back." Joey said, as he stood up he hit his head on the chandalier. "Oh! I'll fix that for you!" said somebody. I looked to see it was our waitress. She got up on a stool and started moving the chains on the chandalier so the chandalier was over my head, and not Joey's. I rolled my eyes as she walked away.

Joey's P.O.V:

I had to use the bathroom really badly. "I'll be right back." I say as I stand up, and something hits my head. I realise that I hit my head on the chandalier. The waitress clearly noticed. Gosh she was being annoying, trying to hit on me. I clearly am on a date, is she blind? I walk to the bathroom, and as I'm walking back I notice the chandalier was moved so it's no longer over the middle of the table, it's over y/n's head. I get back over to the table and sit back down. We continue eating, when we hear some sort of click. I barely had time to blink before the chandalier fell down directly on y/n's head. We heard the whole resturant gasp, as the manager ran over. "What the...?!" he said as he looked over. "What happened?!" he said. "The waitress moved the chandalier over because I hit my head againts it, and must have forgot to fasten it, and it fell on my date's head!" I yelled. We both moved over to y/n and moved the chandalier off her head. She was unconcious, with multiple cuts on her face, blood almost completely covering her face and neck. The manager called 911, and not much later an ambulance showed up and took y/n on a gourney. I rode along with her, tears in my eyes. What a shitty date.

Waitress P.O.V:

I don't know why that cute boy was with that slutty bitch. I am clearly more suitable for him. I felt like crying when he hit his head on the chandalier. I quickly moved over and moved the chandalier over that way it wouldn't be in his way the next time he stands up. Then I got an idea. I'll put it right over that sluts head and not fasten it so it will eventually fall and smash on her head, it will be so embarrasing for her. I moved it over, and put it on the edge of the hook, without fastening the clip over it. Only about 2 minutes later did I hear the crash. I smiled to myself, and was about to walk over, when the manager came out. I decided to let him deal with it. Whatever. I realised that she got seriosuly hurt. SHIT! An ambulance pulled up, and pulled her on a gourney. The cute boy went with her, and as he walked by I winked, but I don't think he noticed me. Whatever. At least I got rid of that slutty ass bitch.

Your P.O.V:

I woke up in to an annoying beeping noise, in a hard, uncomfortable bed. The room I was in smelled extremely sterile. I opened my eyes, and for the first few seconds, my vision was extremely blurry. As I opened my eyes I felt pain along my eyebrows, and side of my head, but I was used to waking up to this kind of pain. Suddenly I remembered what happened. The date with Joey, that annoying waitress, the chandalier... I must be in a hospital. "Y/n?" A faint voice said. I then say Joey slowly come into my line of sight. "J-Joey?" I said. My voice was raspy, and it hurt my face when I talked. "How are you feeling?" He said. I realised his eyes were red and teary. "F-fine... were you... crying?" I ask. He looks away, but slightly nods. "Don't be upset... I'm used to waking up to this kind of thing." I say, realising I just said that outloud. "W-what?" Joey said. I sighed. I might aswell tell him. "I- I used to be in an abusive relationship... so I would wake up to this pretty much every morning... exept not in a hospital. He didn't care if he hurt me badly enough for me to need medical care or not." I say with teary eyes, as memories flash back of Andre.

"A-Andre! I need a hospital!" I say as I hold my oddly shaped leg, covered in blood. "Does it look like I care if your f****ing leg is bent? Straighten it out you little wimp!" he screamed in my face, kicking me in my ribs.

I looked over at Joey to see him staring at me. I looked down and shifted so he could see my permanenly bent leg. "He broke my leg, and I never got it treated. Since then I can't really run properly... whenever I try, It usually hurts or I tip over and fall." I told him. He still hasn't said anything. He just stood there staring at my leg, then back to my face. "Joey?" I call. Still no response. "Joey!" I yelled. Nothing. Just at that moment a doctor came into my room, and was about to ask me something. "Exuse me, but I think he's gone into shock." I say, tears running down the sides of my face. "Sir?" the doctor asks. "SIR!" the doctor says more firm. The doctor pushes Joey onto one of the hospital beds. "He should be fine, just give him a few moments." the doctor says. He does the basic check-up... asking how I feel and blah blah blah, but all I could really focus on was Joey. The doctor left, and Joey still hasn't moved. "Joey? Are you ok?" I ask, with tears running down my face. I hear him gasp. "J-Joey?" I say, when suddenly, his body goes limp.


*AUTHOR'S NOTE!*          01.18.14


It's Hannah, and I just wanted to make a short, but sweet Author's Note to anyone who's reading!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I decided I needed to make a drastic change with my story, because I realised a few parts of my story were too similar to Noraek's story, so I would like to apologize to her for that.

This chapter was so fun to write, and I was writing it while listening to my new favourite song; Carmen by Lana Del Rey. Which is a little bit ironic, considering I was talking about Noraek's story... and the trailer for her story includes the song Carmen by Lana Del Rey. XD

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter... because I know I did... especially since I got 230 READS! OMG. I am so shocked! I know I say this every time I write an Author's Note... but I went from 0 reads to 230 in literally 2 weeks! That's insane! Especially since this is my first story here on wattpad! Thank you so much to everyone who is reading! Make sure to add this story to your reading list, and don't forget to share this story with your friends, like, favourite, vote, and comment! For 230 reads I only have 3 comments! Come on people! COMMENT! (Votes, likes, and favourites are welcome too! :3)

Follow me on:

Twitter: @xHannahBanana01

Instagram: xHannahBanana01

Tumblr: xHannahBanana01

(And yes you probably are noticing a pattern here... LMAO)

Don't be afraid to tell me what you think! Love it? Hate it? How would you change it?

Thanks again everyone!


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