Chapter Twenty-three: The Timeglass

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*Note*Hey, look! It's a long ramble*

Welcome to the second to last chapter of this book! It's almost over... But don't worry, book two is in the process.

While I'm writing the second book, I will be taking the opportunity to improve my style and writing by working on a project where I'll be able to experiment with different literary elements.

I would like to apologize for the recently sporadic updates. My only excuse is that I'll be graduating high school in two weeks, and school has been, well, school.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!*

Chapter Twenty-three: The Timeglass

"How did we get here?" Alexi gaps behind me, "This defies all logic!"

I twirl around to my travel companions gawking at the scenery around them. Though, I probably look the similar. Asher reaches into his pocket and pulls out something reflective. An almost gold mirrorish material encircles a glass hourglass filled a fourth of the way with the purest of white sand. Is that it? Is that the artifact Mr. Gale sent us to find?

"How did you get it?" I question staring at the object clutched in his hand.

"It flew from his pocket," he answers with a shrug.

He looks down at it then at me, "Come on. Let's get this to Mr. Gale, so we can get things back to normal."

What is normal? Do I want to go back to it?

Asher is the first to start across the stretch of lawn to the front door. I run after him and, we make our way into the dimly lit hall. Somewhere down the hall a bell chimes. The dismissed students clamber from their class filling the hallway.

"Is that really them?"

"They finally made it back!"

"But how? It's been all year."

"I thought they were dead."

Dismissing their shocking whispers, we make our way to Mr. Gale's office. It remains unchanged as if untouched by time. Each painting still hangs perfectly straight. The only difference is the stacks of papers covering the once clean desk in which Asher has already placed the odd object. I cross over the threshold and stand in front of the occupied desk.

"I thought you had returned," he smiles at us, and picks up the item.

"We just made it back, Sir." Asher nods.

"Well, you three have done very well in bringing this back," he emphasizes to the hourglass figurine.

For some reason now that we are inside my brain doesn't want to comprehend it. I shake my head to clear my vision, but it stays blurry. Like a thing moving at a speed so fast it's nonexistent in space. Almost like it doesn't exist. Mr. Gale stands from his chair.

"Sir. If I may ask, what is that thing?" Alexi asks curously.

Blake gives him a blank look.

"It's just, we were in the Tower of London one second. Then in a flash of light we were here." Alexi explains.

Blake inspects the artifact.

"So, you were sent to the Tower then?" Blake bypasses the question.

"You are dismissed. You are free to keep your equipment in your rooms for next year. I suggest you go back to your rooms and take some time to relax and recover." Mr. Gale dismisses us, "Oh, and wash your clothes a few times. You all smell like you ran through a sewer."

I smile at the irony, but frown despite myself.

"But Sir. you didn't answer Alexi's question," I speak up.

It's not right for him not to tell us about what we were requested to risk our lives for.

"Layla," Asher warns me softly.

"It's okay Mr. Moare," he puts up a hand to stop him, "If you really must know... It is called, in it's native land, Κρόνος Γυαλί, or the Timeglass to us. It is our path through time. It's believed to be blessed, or some believe cursed, by the titan Krónos. Now off you go."

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