Chapter Five: House of Learning

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*Note* I hope all of you are having a fantastic holiday whatever you celebrate. I am happily enjoying my Christmas break, so I hope you are able to do the same!*

Chapter Five: House of Learning

Before taking the chance to look at the warm pin in my hand, I glance back at the now closed door. I open my clenched hand to look at the square shaped pin. Molded into it's face is a majestic phoenix with outstretched wings in a sign of victory or almost rebirth. Within it's wings are an owl, a sword and shield, and a book and quill, but instead of them being all together the sword and shield are on the opposite side of the book and quill. Curious. Why would they pair up all those random symbols? Shrugging, I pin it to the left side of my shirt and carry on towards the gym in anticipation for an absolutely fabulous breakfast. Hopefully it will be as good as dinner was last night.

Thankfully I make it to the gym quickly by following the collection of rowdy voices. However, my luck stops there. Just as I nonchalantly waltz through the open doors an eruption of pain breaks out across the back of my hand. Alarm fills my being, and I turn around to face the sea of eyes staring down at me as if I were an absolute imbecile. Well smarty, what did you do that for? While I finish my process of scolding myself for being so stupid, Mr. Gale stands and all their judging eyes turn from me to him. Taking my only chance to not suffer anymore embarrassment, in the gym once again, I scurry over to Sara's table and take my seat beside her.

"Everyone please remain here in the gym until further notice. Now please enjoy your meal." after his brief announcement the room returns to it's original setting, and I luckily make it to my seat safely without being noticed.

"Is your hand okay, Layla?" Sara asks watching me with a glint of laughter in her eyes.

"Yeah, all good," I fake a smile, and try not to cry as I wave her off with my damaged writing hand, then I whisper, "You saw that?"

"Yep," thanks Sara, "You sure you're alright? I saw you slam it against the door frame pretty hard."

"Yeah," I try to convince her.

When the food starts to be given out, I am ecstatic. Not just to eat some delicious food, but to also end this awkward conversation. Ready and waiting to calculate how much time I have, in a fit of anxiety, I check my old analog wrist watch to see the time. Seven twenty-six, I have twenty-four minutes to eat, and then I have ten minutes to find my first class of the day in room 106 in wherever the right wing is. Super exciting! (Hear the sarcasm). Hopefully Mr. Gale's announcement won't take too long.

I scarf my breakfast in the most ladylike way possible before deciding to patiently wait for Mr. Gale's dismissing announcement. So obviously, being true to myself in every way, my patiently waiting turns into the constant drumming of my aching fingers on the table and the continuous shaking of my legs. Sara's thirteenth worried glance my way doesn't go completely unnoticed by me, so just to reassure her, as I did before, I smile at her as she once again glances my way, and then I look down at my shaking jean clad legs. Light, definitely pale, tan skin meets the light blue frayed threads of the hole in my worn out clothing choice. Said hole in my pant leg blatantly stands out from the color contrast of the blue denim. I'm totally not in the mood for this. Grumbling to myself, I pick at the fraying white strings while I feel Sara's worried gaze find me once again for the fifteenth time. Her being my best friend I understand her constant worry because she knows me in and out, and she's the best friend I could ever ask for, but right now, for this moment I ignore her and use my nimble fingers to be counter productive and pull at one of the strings making the hole that much lager. Now I've done it. Shuffling feet brings my attention back to the real world that is my surroundings. Mr. Gale stands, much awaitedly I must add, and turns from the other completely unfamiliar educational staff to us.

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