Chapter Twelve: Mr. Grumpie

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Chapter Twelve: Mr. Grumpie

Wind whistles through the cliff like it's swish cheese. Goosebumps cover my skin and shivers once again rack my body. Before the wind was pleasant, but now the wind is acrimonious and cold. Why didn't I think to pack a heavier jacket? I pull at my sleeves to cover my ice cold hands and cling to my jacket in search for any remnants of warmth. The breeze blows through me like I'm just a pile of hay, and even my braided hair sways with the push of the wind. I fold my arms and rub my upper arms vigorously. Warm arms coil around my waist and shoulders. I curiously glance up to see the side of Alexi's face hanging over my shoulder.

"Ummm... Alexi...?" I trail.

"You looked cold so I figured we could huddle for warmth," he reasons.

"Okay... Weirdo," I mutter the last part as my eyes fall on Asher who is looking completely indifferent to my situation.

His head hangs down, and I can see his pale hands shaking in his lap. He shivers in his spot on the deck. Poor guy.

"Come over here you."

Without even a hint of his usual grumble, he walks over to us, sits, and joins our huddle. Being in the middle, I instantly regain most of my stolen body heat. Strangely, I don't feel awkward with them. Maybe we really are meant to be a team and work together. We remain in place until a pier appears in our line of vision.

"I'll steer!" Alexi exclaims popping up.

Great. Leave me with Mr. Grumpie.

Both sources of warmth abandon me and the cold sadly recaptures my body once again. I wish that puppy hadn't disappeared into thin air on me. Maybe then I'd have someone who actually cared for my attention. 

"I'll pack up our stuff," Asher mumbles and disapears.

Once again left to shiver, I watch the boat close in on the pier. Alexi pulls the boat into port, and I quickly tie it to the wooden post at the dock. Asher's footsteps walk up behind me as Alexi turns off the motor and emerges from the deep below. He soon comes to out side to help Alexi toss our gear off the boat and onto the dock.

"Ready?" I turn and smile at the duo.

"Yeah," they chorus.

We all step off the boat together and onto the solid wood. Beside me Asher struggles to get his backpack straps on as well as remain stable on his feet. 

"You okay?" I ask, worriedly watching his face.

"I'm fine," he breaths out but his face clearly pale.

Smiling to myself, I roll my eyes at his stubborn attitude. I wrap my hand around his wrist and pull his arm over my shoulder. Much to his distaste at being helped by a girl, I ignore him and steady him while we walk together to the paved road branching off from the dock. Where we stand is the perfect place to take in the size of this small port city. Whimsical living quarters dot the hilly landscape, but in front of us is the business portion of Martship. My eyes follow the road down to the few buildings down the street. One catches my eye. A quaint coffee shop huffs steamy air out it's front doors with every passerby that walks through it.

I assign that as our destination without a second thought. Asher needs somewhere warm to rest so he can recover from whatever his aliment is. In only a few minutes we reach the front step of the coffee shop. The bell over the door rings as Alexi, being a the gentleman he is, opens the door for Asher and I, so I can help him inside. Inside the smell of brewing coffee and baking goods mingles together to create a divine aroma. I take a deep breath of the mouth watering smell before dropping, the still woozy, Asher at a booth under the heater. He gives a quiet "thank you" as I walk to the tall counter where a stack of paper menus has been placed. Silky sheets of paper gladly greet my hand when I grab one off the top of the pile. Once I have what I had come for I return to whence I came.

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