Chapter Eleven: My Dog has Fleezs

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*Note* I know fleas is not spelled "fleezs". This chapter title was inspired by a joke my Acadec teacher made about me in a powerpoint. Anyways, enjoy!
The video may not fit the chapter like many other, but when I saw this I thought it was crazy for a song played on the violin.*

Chapter Eleven: My Dog Has Fleezs

    Alexi looks up at me with eyes full of awe and confusion, "Are you okay? How did you get all wet? Why are you breathing so hard, and why is your neck starting to bruise in the shape of a hand? What happened?"

He bombards me with a string of questions as he once again hold me out at arm's length and checks me over for any more injuries.

"I'll be fine Alexi," I laugh, but a whimper immediately sobers me, "Asher!"

I lurch away from an even more confused Asher to a heap I know to be Asher. I gently roll him onto his back and prop his head up upon my lap to hopefully soothe some of the pain I caused him. I brush the hair from his face and lightly stroke his soft, minty scented hair.

"Layla," he whispers.

"Shh," I shush him.

I see Alexi kneel beside me out of the corner of my eyes and smile softly at him.

"Layla, I'm- I'm sorry," he whispers in a barely audible voice.

I laugh, "Guess I hit you pretty hard huh?"

"Yeah," he gazes up at me.

I turn to Alexi, "Could you figure out where we are?"

"Sure, I was feeling like a third wheel anyways," I scoff as he gets up and goes to get the map.

"Layla," I turn back to Asher.  

He struggles to sit up, but when he does his eyes burn holes into mine. Pain was still evident on his face, but now a seriousness hung over him like a dark cloud.

"Did you mean what you said?"

What? Oh.

"Of course not Asher. Now that I've gotten to know you a tiny bit I'm starting to think you're pretty cool, but I still hardly know you. It was the only thing I could think of to say so that you would snap out of that things trance and it worked," I answer him plainly and honestly. 

If I was just answering honestly, why do I feel so bad? Why do I feel like I just lied to him?

"Oh," he seems almost crushed.

"Guys! I figured out where we are!"

Thank you Alexi for freeing me from this cage of awkwardness. Leaving Asher to do whatever it is he's doing, I turn to a very excited Alexi. His usual mop is even messier than before, and not to mention his ecstatic face has the widest, goofiest grin spread across it. Shaking hands hold the map straight in front of my face. Alexi is acting like a kid that just got his first good grade on a coloring assignment. I take the map from him.

"Great, now how are we going to get back?" Asher sulks.

Good question.

I scan the still horizon. Only a fortress of an island lays in the distance, and no trace of an actual port. My eyes fall back on the daunting island. Over centuries of waves crashing against the land acuminous cliffs were formed, and above those cliffs a lush forest waits for any one desperate enough to take refuge there. No way will this boat stop at that death trap. We just have to get out of here before we get to close.

"We could always see if we could use one of our artifact thingies," Alexi's voice brings my wandering imagination back to the boat.

"Alright," Asher and I agree.

Since the boys threw the only bench on deck over board we all decide to take a seat on the floor. We form our silent triangular circle while we grab our packs and pull out our artifacts. I, of course, pull out my mysterious mirror while the boys pull out their "artifact thingies" as Alexi so elegantly phrased it. Up close I can finally see what the boys were given. Asher's cube has something engraved in some foreign pictogram language into the surface of the almost black alien metal material. Alexi's on the other hand seems to be some kind of wooden carving that has been worn by many hands and many years of continuous use. On top is a small enchanting stone that looks to be completely transparent.

"I don't think these will help," I sigh, "I'm gonna look to see if the control panel works."

Cringing as I go, I try to put on a brave facade and hide my squeamishness as I approach the entrance to the deceased creatures domain. I reluctantly take the three steps down and survey the surroundings. Across from the door is a dark hallway that leads farther into the belly of the ship and extends beyond my field of vision. To my right a bench rests under a window with a sea level view of the captivating water, and to my left is a refulgent panel of controls.

"I found the controls!" I shout up to them.

They quickly join me and hang over my shoulder. Their steady breaths bombard my ears and their heat radiates from their hands to my shoulders. How either of these boys heard of personal space? They do realize that I am indeed a girl right? I know I dress and overall look like a guy other than my hair, but seriously space people!

I wring a few drops of water from my shirt and roll my eyes at my companions, "Okay you guys man the controls, and I will search the living quarters."

I hand Alexi the map and make my way deeper into the lair. Shadows seem to cling to even the dim lights above as I make my way down the short hall. Running my fingers along the orange peel textured walls A rustle catches my full attention. Cautiously, I pull open the door and in the middle of the small room lies a single pile of shaking rank smelling clothes. The varying styles of men's clothing are all salt stained. Umm... I don't even want to think about it. I just hope the creature had a men's clothing fetish.

Out pops a small furry animal.

"You're so cute!" I explode

"You okay Layla?" Asher's panicked voice calls from down the hall.

"All good!" I answer laughing.

The adorably weird black animal scratches at the only patch of white on it's ear with its paw.


I hurriedly finish my search with the strange animal at my heals, pick up the furry creature, and carry the puppy back to the boys. At the control panel, hunched broad shoulders face my way, so being the mischievous person I am I sneak up behind them.


Alexi jumps and whirls around with a hand clutching his chest and the other on his knee, "My goodness Layla!"

Laughing, I turn to the unmoved Asher, "I heard you before you entered the room, and Layla, what's with the dog?"

I glower at him.

Alexi, now recovered, "We figured out how the controls work."

"Well then. Let the expedition recommence!" I smile at them.

The tinkling of metal catches my attention, and I turn to the violently scratching dog. It's hind leg scratches consistently against the back on it's ear. A chain collar clanks against itself as the poor animal continues to scratch itself.

"Why so itchy little one?" I coo at her.

"Layla, it has fleas," Asher matter-of-factly states.


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