"Well, he's...he's still on the first word." She mumbled quietly.

"That's funny, I thought you said he was still on the first word?" Dean said smiling.

"I...I did!" She admitted, preparing herself for his freak out.

"It's been four hours and he hasn't made it past the first damn word yet?" Dean asked even more frustrated than he was before. "This is just freaking awesome!" He added, as he ran his hands over his face.

"It isn't that simple Dean! We're talking about a completely dead language here, there's not a lot of reference samples we can compare it to!" She explained. "It's going to take time."

"Time that Roman and Seth don't have!" Dean pointed out.

"Dean, we're going to figure it out and find them I promise! All you have to do is trust me please!" She said gently.

"I do trust you kid, but I know what Vassago's capable of and that worries me! Look kid, I'm going crazy here doing nothing, I'm going for a drive. I have my phone with me, call if you get something out of Professor Asshole!"

"Okay, be careful and don't get yourself into trouble!" She said, as she hugged him, before he left.


After deciding to fight back, Roman and Seth knew that their only chance at surviving was to get free from their chains and escape. So, for the last couple of hours they worked on trying to get their chains off, but no matter what they tried though, nothing seemed to work and they were running out of time.

"Dammit!" Seth yelled frustrated, as he threw the rock he was using to try and break the lock open. "This is impossible!"

"Calm down Seth, getting angry isn't going to solve anything." Roman said gently.

"We have no idea when Vassago will be back and we're still stuck chained to the wall, unable to do a damn thing!" Seth said angrily, as he got up and began pacing.

"It's not over yet Seth, I..." Roman began, but trailed off, as he realized that where the chain attaches to the wall was weakening with each pull on the chain from Seth's pacing.

"You what?" Seth asked confused, as he stopped pacing and looked at him.

Instead of answering him though, Roman went to the wall and began to pull on his own chain first, before he tried pulling on Seth's; neither came out of the wall, but they were visibly loose.

"Uh Ro, what are you doing?"

"I think I just found our way out of here!" Roman answered smiling. "The chains are coming free from the wall, if we can get them to break we can get out of here!"

"You really think that'll work?" Seth asked.

"Only one way to find out!" Roman answered smiling, as he began pulling on his chain again, Seth smiled and began pulling on his too.

After a few minutes they had made progress, but the chains were still attached to the wall, sweating, hurt, exhausted and frustrated they stopped.

"We're getting there Seth! We just need to keep working on them a little while longer and they should break free!" Roman said smiling.

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