Two days later

"We all ready!!" Dylan yelled from the front seat. We were in a rental van  one that was really big so we could fit all our stuff and we had room to lay around. Also so we wouldn't be cramped up.

"Yeah!!" Noah, Nate and I yelled back. Dylan turned on the radio and we took off.

The entire car ride there wasn't boring for a second. We sang different songs and were having a great time during the entire drive. When we finally got to the hotel we were staying at we found the we could all share one room.

"Wanna go to the beach?" Dylan asked.

"Yes!!" I said as I ran to get swim suit. Nate, Dylan and Noah all finished changing before I did. Then we started our walk to the beach. "It's beautiful!" I said. It really was.

Before I knew what was happening Nate had picked me up and was carried me towards the water. "Nate out me down!!" I said hitting on his back.

"Nah I'm good!!" He didn't stop till we were in the water.

"Babe I can't touch the bottom!!" I said grabbing around his neck to keep up.

"It's a good thing I can. You're too short, but that makes you cuter." He kissed me.

"You two are so cute!" Noah said. Dylan had his arms around Noah's neck. I assume he could barely touch.

After a while of throwing each other around and goofing off and having fun, Nate pulled me on to shore. "I have something to give you." He said.

"What is it?" I asked. Curiosity filled my voice.

He pulled out a box and handed it to me. "A ring!" I said.

"A promise ring." He corrected. I slipped it on my finger.

"I love it!!" I kissed him and then hugged him.

"I promise I will be with you forever Ashton. Even though we're only juniors in high school...I still promise. This is how I'm showing you." He said then gestured to my ring.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too"

For the next few hours we stayed at the beach. We just hung out and we're basically being the teenagers that we were. It wasn't until 7:48 that we decided to go back to the hotel.

We all showered and after I finished I took the time to check in with Chris and Maria.

Hey!! I'm still alive!! Lol, we just hung out at the beach all day!! Be home soon!! Love you and miss you both!!❤️

                                         Sent at 8:27 pm

They responded shortly after saying pretty much the same thing. At about 9:30 we decided to turn in for the night. "Ash..if you're not comfortable sleeping in the same bed as me I'll take the couch..." Nate said. Noah and Dylan were obviously sleeping in the same bed.

"Uh-I-I'm okay with it if you are.." I blushed a little when I said this.

"Okay." Nate crawled in bed after me. He wrapped his arms around my waist then said, "if you get uncomfortable just let me know and I'll move okay..I won't try anything I promise."

I smiled and nodded.

"You know, you've come a long way Ashton. Before you wouldn't even talk to me and now we can have full conversations." Nate smiled.

"Well you were the first person to hear my silent screams. The first person that tried to help and gave me the time of day." I told him.

"I always knew there was something different about you. I could tell. You didn't talk, you kept to yourself, you never smiled. Something had to be wrong." He said.

"Well thank you for helping Dylan and I."

"No problem. And I promise to protect you for as long as I can. Just because we're teenagers not even graduated yet...I'm still making a promise." He kissed my forehead."

"Are you two gonna go to bed or talk all night?" Dylan sarcastically asked.

"Yeah yeah we are." I said just as sarcastically.

"You promise you'll never leave me?" I asked.

"I promise. Goodnight Ashton, love you."

"Night Nate, love you too."

The End

Hey guys!!! This is the end of Silent Scream. I hope you enjoyed it because I loved it!!! Sooooo I probably won't be uploading for a long while. It's the huge project I have to do. But I have to wait for someone else first...well thanks so much for sticking with me through this journey!! Hope you enjoyed it!! Comment. Vote. Follow. Thanks again!!! Bye!! :)

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