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Ashton's Pov:

Both Noah and I jerked our heads around in fear when we heard the heart monitor go flat. My heart stopped. It seemed as if time slowed down as we both turned, petrified. Thankfully, and to our surprise, it wasn't Dylan. He was still alive.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "What happened?" I asked Noah.

"I don't remember much of it. It's all a blur, but I do remember that Dylan and I were watching a movie at your house. We heard something break upstairs so we went to check. Then I remember Dylan getting knocked out followed shortly after by me.. Then we woke up in a strange house.. You know the rest from there." He looked like he was going to start to cry again.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you.. it.. it should have been me.." I started to cry.

"Ashton don't say that.. you don't deserve this any more than we do. All Dylan wants to do is protect you, Ashton. You know that right?" He put an arm around my shoulders.

I nodded my head yes. "Why stay Noah? After this happened why not leave and try to forget?"

"Dylan needs me and you more than ever now. He's been through unspeakable things and all he needs is his sister and boyfriend there to comfort him." Noah and I fell into a comfortable silence, the sound of the hospital machines filled the room. That was, until Noah interior yes it in saying, "Woah Ashton. I know we're really good friends, but please don't hold my hand without asking, it's kinda weird." He chuckled slightly.

"I'm not holding you hand." I put up both my hands as proof before we both looked down. It was Dylan holding Noah's hand.

"Babe hey.. dil.. wake up.. please.. if you can hear me.. please come back to me.." Noah talked to Dylan. 'He's not gonna wake up.. he won't wake up and if he does he'll be like you!' The voice in my head told me.

Noah leaned down and kissed his boyfriends lips, causing Dylan to stir a bit. "Woah woah woah. He's never done that. Stirred I mean. He-Noah! Noah!"

"What!" He screamed in almost.. fear?

I pointed behind him to Dylan. Slowly Dylan stated to move until he opened his eyes.

"No.. Noah? Ashton? God I'm hungry. Where's the food at?" Dylan said in his morning voice despite it being 2:09 in the afternoon.

"Dylan!" I screamed through my tears and hugged him. He hugged me back and we stayed like that for a few minutes. When we broke apart Noah stepped up.

"Hi babe.. I mi-" Noah was cut off by Dylan crashing his lips into Noah's. They didn't stay like that long because I was there. "God I've missed doing that." Noah said breathlessly.

"How longs it been?" Dylan asked, his voice still raspy.

"A week. Noah just woke up about 45 minutes ago he-"

"You don't mean to tell me he was unconscious too!" Dylan asked, Noah and I nodded. "Noah I'm so.. so sorry.. my dad.. he wasn't supposed to hurt you. Just me, but Ashton why'd you do that? Why'd you almost give yourself up to save Noah and I?"

"It was Nate too and because I saw both of you and the pain you were in.. how awful you looked. I didn't want you to be in that pain anymore." I started to cry and Dylan did too.

Dylan tried to sit up and made a face that suggested he's in pain. Seconds later Nate burst through the door.

"They're awake?!" He said a little too loud.

"Yeah.. yeah they are.." I let tears continue to roll down my face. Nate wiped them away.

"Dylan there's something I need to tell you, but first.. promise me you'll never leave again.." Noah started.

"I promise Noah. Please promise me you'll never leave again."

"I wouldn't dream of it Dil.." 'Dil' was a nickname that Noah came up with. Short for Dylan.

"What did you want to tell me Noah?" Dylan asked.

"Nev.. never mind .." he said looking at me.

"Do it Noah. It's okay. He won't hurt you or leave you I swear. I know my brother." I said laying my head on Nate's shoulder. He put an arm around my waist.

"Okay.. Dylan.. I.. I love you." Noah said.

"I love you too Noah!" They once again kissed and Nate decided to kiss my lips as well.

Once we pulled apart I said "just for the record you too are very cute together!" We all laughed. Life is really starting to look up for me now. Dylan and Noah are both okay. Nate is still with me even after the craziness that is my life. There really is a light at the end of this dark tunnel.

Hey guys! So I uploaded a part on my Christmas Miracle story called "HUGE PROJECT!!" even if you don't want to read the story it'd be nice to read the one part. It explains a lot that I probably won't post on this story. Thanks for reading. Comment. Vote. Follow. Thanks again!! Bye! :)

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