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Ashton's Pov:

I stood there in shock. 'He's dead.' I thought. 'He's really dead.' It all seemed to go in slow motion. Every single noise was distant as I stood there. I turned around but not before realizing that Maria and Nate were on either side of me. Keeping me steady.

I ran. I broke free of their grasp and ignored them screams urging me to come back. I ran all the way downstairs and outside to the ambulance that contained Dylan.

He was unconscious. His bare chest all cut up and full of bruises. 'So many scars..' I thought. 'It should've been me. He doesn't deserve this..'

I broke down right there in the ambulance, just broke down. Tears landed on Dylan's arm, on my lap, on the top of my shirt.. everywhere. Eventually I heard someone come in. It was Nate.

"Ashton.. are you okay..?" He asked while sitting beside me. I shook my head no.

"I..is he gonna be oka..okay..?" I stuttered out.

"Nothing appears broken. He is unconscious, but probably because he and his friend-"

"Boyfriend." I corrected.

"Right, boyfriend. They haven't had anything to eat or drink in four days. More than likely it's lack of nutrients. He will have many scars and mental trauma. He will more than likely get PTSD later in life. As of right now he seems fine, but we won't know anything until we get him to the hospital." I don't know who said that. I'm assuming a doctor or something. I couldn't find the strength to look away from Dylan.

"He's gonna be okay Ash.. I promise."

"You.. you promise? How?"

"Instinct; a gut feeling. They both will be okay."

"For sure?"

"For sure."

We rode the rest of the way in silence. I was holding Dylan's hand and cuddled into Nate's arms.


"Maria come on.. I wanna get to the hospital!!" I yelled from the front door.

"Sweetheart. I'm coming, but can't you just drive yourself?"

"Not 16 until next week."

"Okay okay." We drove to the hospital. I've been going everyday and haven't been going to school. Chris and Maria said I don't have to. Everyday is the same. I go and talk to Dylan even though he's unconscious.

"Call me when your ready to leave." Maria said as she left to leave the hospital.

"Okay.." I walked in. Same as yesterday and the day before that and the day before that day. Dylan was laying unconscious with Noah in a bed next to him. Both unconscious.

"Hey Dylan, Noah. It's Friday again. Ya both have been out for a week. I'm sorry this happened. It should be me. I should be the one unconscious, laying helplessly in a hospital bed. I should be the one with one to many scars covering my body. Not you two. Neither of you did anything wrong. I'm sorry.. I love you. Both of you. Whether or not you can hear me.. I love you." I started to cry.

After a few minutes of the very annoying beeping from their heart monitors and my sobs, I felt a hand in my knee. It wasn't my hand and no one else came with me so I looked up. It was Noah.

"Noah!" I hugged him, careful not to hurt him. After I let go I ran and got a doctor.

"Is Dylan okay?" was the first thing he said. "What happened?" followed quickly after.

"Well Mr. Rollins, you and your friend-"

"Boyfriend." Noah and I said in unison, annoyance laced in the single word.

"Boyfriend, were kidnapped and have both been unconscious for a week. You are okay. Just a few cuts and bruises. Nothing major. You just need to eat and drink." The doctor finished.

"Is Dylan okay?" Noah looked over at his unconscious boyfriend.

"He is still unconscious. He has many more cuts and bruises. Probably some mental trauma as well. No internal bleeding or damage to his head though which is what we were worried about."

"When will he wake up?" Noah looked like he was on the verge of tears. I was too.

"Anytime now."

"So he will wake up?" I chimed in.

"More than likely, yes." The doctor walked out leaving Noah and I alone.

"How long have you been here?" Noah asked.

"Everyday from the time visiting hours start to end. I just come and talk aloud to you both. Hoping that you'll hear."

"Ashton can I tell you something?"

"Anything Noah.."

"I love Dylan."

"Trust me, he loves you too Noah."a small smile planted itself on my face.

"How do you know?" I looked into Noah's tear filled eyes.

"The way he acts around you. He loves you."

"What if he doesn't wake up..? What if I never get to tell him exactly how much I love him..?" Tears started to run down his face again.

"He will wake up.. don't think like that Noah.. I promise he'll.. he'll wake up.."

Noah went over and laid next to Dylan. I sat in a chair beside the bed. After a while I started dozing off. Then I heard the sound of a heart monitor go flat.

Hey guys! Depressing chapter. Oops! Thanks so much for sticking with me so far. There's more to come I promise. Comment. Vote. Follow! Thanks again! Bye! ;)

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