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I'm just gonna give a slight warning about this chapter! Don't read if you feel you may get triggered!

Dylan's Pov:

He has me. Everyday is different yet somehow more painful than the last.. but at least Ashton is safe for now. Yesterday what he did was the worst yet.. If that happens again.. I'd rather be dead..

I lay here in a broken body. Tied up and in pain. Hopefully Ashton notices I'm gone.. he has Noah too.

Ashton's Pov:

"Hey Maria, I haven't heard from Dylan in a while. I've been calling and texting him since I got here." I said. I was starting to get worried because he always responds when I text him. Always.

"Want to run by his house and see if he and Noah are okay?" Maria suggested.

I nodded and waited for her to say we could leave. "Can Nate come to? If he's able to that is..." it was Maria's turn to nod.

After we picked up Nate we headed to Dylan's house. I looked normal on the outside, but on the inside..

The first thing that was wrong was that the front door was unlocked. It's never unlocked, especially when he is home alone. Then the two boys were no where to be seen.

"Maria something's wrong!" I cried. When I walked up to Dylan's bedroom I saw that the window was broken. Forced entry.

Nate called the police while I stood staring at the empty bedroom. He's missing and, after calling Noah's parents, they confirmed Noah is too as he never came home after seeing Dylan.

There's only one guy who would want to hurt Dylan. One guy who would dodge the police and risk coming back just to get Dylan. One guy who's not afraid. Him.

I ran to Nate and cried onto his shoulder. There was nothing I could do.

"Sh.. sh.. hey baby everything's gonna be okay.. the police are starting to look for him and Noah.." Nate coddled.

I just nodded over and over again. "Wait!" I yelled causing Maria and Nate to jump.

"What sweetheart?" Nate calmly said. It was sweet how Nate was trying to stay calm when I had the greatest amount of anxiety known to man kind.

"I.. I know where they are.. I thi-.. think."

"Where?" Maria asked.

"His old.. old house. It.. it's in the middle of the wood.. woods." I chocked out between sobs.

"Do you know how to get there?" Nate asked.

I nodded and they led me to the car. Nate sat with me in the backseat while Maria drove. I had been there many times because we used to go stay for the weekend back when my family was still normal. I thought this was over. I was wrong.

"Is this it?" Maria asked after a 30 minutes drive.

"Yeah.. what's that noise?" I asked. It was like a siren.

"The police. They aren't far behind. We should probably wait for them." Nate said.

"No I'm going in now! I have to get to Dylan!" I yelled.

"No-babe I'm sorry but I can't let you.." Nate yelled wrapping his arms around my waist to prevent me from moving.

"Nate! Let me go.. please..!"

"I can't.. I'm sorry.. I love you too much to let you walk inside and get yourself killed!"

I stopped struggling. That didn't make Nate let go though. 'He would kill me.' I thought. 'Or worse. He'd kill everyone and keep me alive.' I shuttered.

"Come on let's go now. The police are trying to get in. We can follow." We all got out of the car and headed inside. It was exactly as I remembered it. Dark, small, and creepy. I never liked it here, but my parents did.

"Help!" I heard a distant yell then a scream of pain.

"Base.. basement.." I said grasping onto Nate's shirt. He embraced me in a hug.

"How do you know?" One of the officers asked.

"It was his favorite place and was sound proofed. If he wanted to hurt someone that's where he'd do it." Tears threatened to spill.

We all walked downstairs. There was Noah. Tied to a pole. His bare chest had a few cuts and bruises on it, but nothing life threatening.

After the police checked that it was clear, I ran to him. "Noah.. where's Dylan? Are you okay? Is he okay? What happened?!" A few tears slipped down my face.

"Up-upstairs." He chocked and spat a little blood to the floor.

"It's gonna be okay son. Where's your kidnapper at?" An officer asked.

"With.. Dylan." Noah slowly fell unconscious. Probably from lack of food and water.

"I'll stay here with him, Ashton. As will some of the police. You go find Dylan, but please be careful." Maria said.

"The ambulance should be here any moment. Let's get Noah outside." A black haired officer said.

"I'm going to find Dylan anyone who wants to come be my guest." I started upstairs and was followed by four police officers and Nate.

Two officers in front of Nate and I and two behind us, we headed upstairs. We made it to the only possible room they could be in. The bedroom. The black haired officer kicked open the door.

"Take one for step and he dies!" A deep voice yelled. "Dad" I said aloud.

"Put the knife down!" An officer yelled. My dad didn't obey.

"Hello Ashton. How nice of you to join your brother!" He shouted. I started crying more.

"Sir put down the knife!" The same officer yelled, his gun searching for a shot at my dad.

"Let me see Ashton." I went to step forward and an officer followed me, still pointing the gun at my dad.

"Hey sweetheart. Why you so nervous?" He got as close to me as possible without moving the knife.

"Let.. let Dylan and Noah go.. alive.. and you can have me instead.." I heard Nate scream 'noooo!!' But I didn't listen.

"If they," he gestured to the police, "leave, then okay." An evil grin planted itself on his face.

They left, but were still right outside the door. One officer stayed behind to grab Dylan. They walked out.

For a split second my dad was unarmed and not blocked. One officer took the shot and the bullet hit my dad square in the chest. Two more shots were shot, both hitting their target.

He fell to the ground.. dead. I actually wasn't sad.. just relieved. It was finally over.. for real this time. It was really over. We were free.

Hey guys!! Updates are gonna be crazy for the next few weeks sorry. Thanks for reading. Comment. Vote. Follow. Thanks again!! Bye!! ;)

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