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Nate's Pov:

I'm siting in my room, not doing anything in particular. My parents were away so I had the house to myself. Out of nowhere, I heard a faint knock on the front door so me being me, I tried to jump down my stairs. Unfortunately, I ended up landing on my face, but I'm alright. Like always.

I stood up, rubbing my head and frowning at the forming headache as I made my way to the door. When I opened it, I saw Ashton! She said "hey", but instead of talking back. I crashed my lips into hers for the first time in weeks. I missed her so much. I could tell she felt the same.

"Ashton! Oh my god.. baby I missed you so so so much!" I pulled her into a hug once broke the kiss.

"I missed you too Nate!"

"Who's your new family? Are you still going to our school? Wait! Is it Dylan??" I couldn't help it! I had to know.

"You'll have to wait and see who my new family is. Yes, I'm still going to our school and no it's not Dylan.."

"Are they nice?"

"We both know them pretty well, but I'll let him explain on Monday." She said. It was currently Saturday and I'm now really confused! "I just thought I should stop by, but I really should get going. Bye Nate! See ya later!"

I pulled her in and kissed her once more. "Love you Ash!"

"Love you too!"

Ashton's Pov:

He went back inside and I walked back to the car. "He seems nice and you seem happier!" Maria joyfully said.

"I am happier!" I squealed. I got into the car and we started driving. "Soooooo I don't wanna be rude, but are you guys a church type family..?" I hesitantly asked.

"No we never really went. Why? Do you like going?" Maria asked.

"I used to go with.. my mom." I mumbled.

"Huh sweetheart? I didn't hear you?" Maria asked.

"Nothing. No, I don't really go to church." I started tearing up slightly, but held back.

We all were silent as the drive to my new home continued. I tried to focus on anything I could to keep my mind from wandering.

"Well this is the house!" Chris exclaimed, pulling me from my thoughts. I glanced over out the window and saw a nice two story house. It's looked really nice and I couldn't wait to get settled in.

"Tomorrow we can go shopping for your room. Chris thought you'd want darker shades stuff, but we decided we better let you pick." Maria stated as Chris pulled into the driveway.

We got out of the car and I grabbed my bag. We walked inside and I was amazed. It was much bigger than my old house. I looked forward and there was a staircase leading downstairs and one leading upstairs. To the right there was a living room leading into a dining room. To the left was a kitchen.

Maria and Chris gave me a tour of the first floor then led me up to the second one. "So this is my office. I ask you don't mess with it because it's where I keep my designs" she gestured to the first door on the right.

"This is our room," Chris gestured to the first door on the left, "and this is your room. The bathroom is across the hall." They led me into my new room. There was a bed in the corner with a big window. Kinda like my one at my old house. There was a big closet and a tv on top a dresser. There was a desk and a chair with some more drawers.

I turned around after sitting my bag on my bed. "I love it!" I exclaimed. Maria came over and gave me a hug.

"I'm glad you like it Ashton." Chris said. "I've gotta go do some stuff for school, I'll be in my office. Ashton it's the last door on the left." I nodded as he left. He shut the door behind him.

"So Ashton.. I know I'm just a foster mom, but if your willing to let me be a mother figure I'm willing to try. I don't know anything about your past honestly, but I know it was rough. If you ever need to talk.. I'm always here." She turned to leave, but I stopped her.

"She left.. Just walked out. Haven't seen her since. That's what happened. Left me with that monster. Him." She nodded so I knew she understood me.

"Well I can assure you that Chris isn't like that. You already know that I'm sure. I'm not either I promise. I'm gonna start dinner if you wanna help?" She asked.

"I don't really know how to cook actually.. other than what I've learned in home ec. Never really had a mom present to teach me and my brother Dylan can't cook very well." I giggled a little.

"Well would you like to learn some stuff?" She asked as if it were no big deal.

"Yeah, sure!"

'She's really nice. I think I'm gonna be okay with having her as my mom and Chris as my dad. I think I'm gonna like it here.' I thought.

For the first time ever, my life was looking up instead of down and there was a light at the end of this dark tunnel.

Hey guys!! I just barely had time to write this today. Well yesterday when your reading this😂. So thanks for reading. Comment. Vote. Follow. Thanks again!! Bye!! :)

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