Fiamma Ascended.

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"What a disgrace.." Fiamma growled, staring at the viewing screen within the Highbreed ship. "Your Wildheits defeated, your DNAliens reduced to nothing but patrolling mobsters.. and the wrath of a genuine Numensapien almost wreaked upon the universe, all because you believed you had the situation well in hand... and to top it off, Tennyson somehow displays a power that goes beyond what we previously feared."

The Highbreed Commander didn't speak. He spoke quietly. "We underestimated that mongrel.. he is more of an annoying fly than we previously surmised."

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Fiamma laughed than shook his head angrily. "Your pride.. is going to ruin EVERYTHING we've sought to accomplish! I've warned you from the beginning, that Tennyson's defeat of Acqua should've been warning enough.. now your Wildheits are all but dead weight."

"Do not seek to anger me human-.."

There was a throb in the room, as if one giant heart beat had just shaken the place, and Fiamma's eyes glowed with power. "Do not seek to anger me... that's the real issue. Now I'm going to have to do something drastic just to make sure are plans are still on schedule."

Fiamma grinned. "It's time to begin Operation Star of Bethlehem.."

"So soon?" said the Highbreed Commander. 

"My fortress the Star of Bethlehem is the entire center of our plans as we already know." said Fiamma. "You want to purge the Universe don't you? I want to create God's Kingdom on Earth.. starting war was just to distract everyone from our true cause, we both know this!! However, if we continue to let London play these games with Tennyson, he and his darling little esper girl friend will surely become strong enough to destroy our plans, despite how carefully created it was by the Glorious Me. We have no choice, our enemy has grown too strong!"

"Perhaps you are right, vermin." said the Highbreed Commander. "Your Aleister Crowley is all that stands in the way of Highbreed dominance.. and this plan of yours will destroy him as we agreed?"

"Indeed it will, along with all other humans, without you having to even lift a claw... just provide me with your most elite guards, and we should have minimal problems.. in the meantime, I'll collect are most preciously needed resource down in London.. "

"And what of Malware?" said the commander. 

"I don't know, find some way to delay him or something.. honestly, I don't think he's really my problem." said Fiamma. "Not unless he seeks to make it.."


"Uggh.. er.." Carissa opened her eyes.. groaning. Next to her, was a shining new Curtana Sword, that was in the process of being wrapped in cloth by Azmuth as several more Galvin scampered around on their little feet, using little devices to scan the area.


"Awake are we?" said Azmuth. "You Royal types really have the tendency to misread EVERYTHING I tell you! I told George that Ascalon was for destroying Diagon only.. He decided to start an anti-alien organization that used illegal and extremist ideologies to get what they want! I told your ancestors that the Curtana was a powerful sealing tool for one of the most dangerous beings  in the Multiverse.. you try to kill people with it! I tell everyone that the Omnitrix was an intelligent living being by my own design who was designed to learn and understand the different beings of the universe! Everyone else thinks he's just a watch that would make a good weapon!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HUMANS!?"

Azmuth gave Carissa a very sour look, than gave another sour look to the Queen, and the other Princesses that had arrived on the scene.. amid smoking rubble and ruined streets.

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix, Book 8: RoyaltyWhere stories live. Discover now