Part 12

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Anti kept staring at the little evil Sam in his hand, until he thought about whatever plane he left Dark on and blinked.  When Anti looked up the bathroom door was closed and Jack was gone.  Anti didn't want too... but he looked down at his hand.  Little evil Sam was gone from his palm.  He couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.  He wanted to keep him by his side.  Lowering his hand, Anti headed out of the bathroom.  The last time he saw Dark was in the bedroom... but he wasn't there now.  Closing his eyes, Anti tried to picture Dark in his mind.  The darkness behind his eyes brightened into what looked like the kitchen.  Dark was bent over the sink trying to use a brillo pad against the dried blood of his bowie knife.  It wasn't working and Dark was beginning to give up on it.  Dropping it into the sink with defeat and shaking his head with disapproval.  Anti guessed that he didn't want to admit that Anti had been right. 

When Anti opened his eyes the vision disappeared and a smile crept over his face.  This was a power he liked.  Dark didn't even sense him.  Curiously, Anti closed his eyes picturing the hallway to the spare bedroom.  Keeping his eyes closed, Anti started to walk.  Letting his vision scout out the route ahead for him!  Reaching the spare bedroom door, Anti took hold of the handle and smiled as he entered.  He wanted to test this new power farther.  Standing in the center of the room, Anti closed his eyes and thought of the one thing that always made him happy.  Within seconds, he was standing in a store facing a beautiful drum set.  He hadn't touched one in years.  The drums were his passion 'not' Jack's, and when Jack tried to keep him away... Anti took all the passion for drumming with him.  Carefully, Anti reached out to see if he could touch his fingers over the drum set.  He felt like his heart would brake if he couldn't.

Just before he was about to touch it, Anti curled his fingers back.  He didn't want to be disappointed.  Then on the back of his hand, little evil Sam appeared.  It wiggled its long tail excitedly and jumped for the cymbal.  Before Anti could snatch him out of the air, the little creature landed on the cymbal causing it to make a sound.  Anti froze, watching the little creature slither around the large disc happily, before stopping to stare up at him.  Cautiously, Anti lowered his hand to touch the cool metal and his heart fluttered.  He could touch it!  The little creature started to bounce in excitement and jumped for the middle tom.  Anti didn't know if the little creature understood him, but he solemnly told it.  "It's been so long... I don't think I could".  The little creature quickly slithered its way down the drum to the snare drum.  Curling around a drum stick that was laying across it and looked up at him hopefully. 

Anti sighed heavily, telling the little creature a bit sadly.  "It wouldn't be the same. It's not real".  The little creature untangled itself from the drumstick and stood up on its tail.  It seemed to be trying to say something... but without a mouth... it just stared at him with determination.  Anti shrugged at it, smugly saying.  "You want to be named after a drum set? What"?  The little creature didn't have eyelids, but it's body flattened a little as if in sarcasm.  It fell back against the snare drum and began to slither around... spelling something?  Anti had to move closer to catch it.  When he thought he knew what it was he asked it.  "Septiceye Sans"?  The creature jerked up onto its tail, bouncing happily before jumping right at him!  Anti caught the little creature in his hands before falling onto his back.  Opening his eyes, Anti snapped out.  "Son of a bitch! Don't do that! You scared the hell out of me"!  The little creature looked like it was going for his throat... and Anti's instincts had kicked in to grab it before he could attack him!  Anti took a deep breath, opening his hands and expecting the creature to be gone... but it wasn't!  It was curled up in his hands. 

Anti set the creature down on the rug and slowly sat up, asking it curiously.  "Sans, was it? How did you get on this plane"?  Little Sans looked around the spare bedroom as if confused himself.  Then slithered quickly over to Anti's hand and curled around his wrist.  Was little Sans afraid?  Bringing his hand up against his chest, Anti stroked the top of Sans eye comfortingly.  A thought burning in his mind.  Could be bring things out of the planes?  Raising his hand up to his shoulder, little Sans crawled off his wrist as he told him.  "Hang on, Sans. I want to try something".  Little Sans wrapped his tail through Anti's black ear gauge and Anti closed his eyes to take them back to the store.  Staring down at the drum set, Anti picked up the drumsticks and took hold of the Bass drum.  After a second or two, he opened his eyes... and the drum bass and drumsticks were now in the spare room.  Anti had to go back one more time to collect the Hi-Hat stand, the Cymbal stand and the stool, but he could take them!  He didn't just see everywhere.  He was everywhere. 

Anti set up the drum set and extended his hands out over it.  Little Sans snuggled against his neck as Anti shot electricity out of his palms to engulf the drum set.  The blue color of the drum set started to strip away as Anti's electricity coated it in a metallic green and black.  When he lowered his hands, he picked up the black drumsticks and spun them both between his fingers.  The pleasure Anti felt from such a simple action flooded him with energy.  It had been so long, but Anti could remember it like it was yesterday.  Slipping down onto the stool, Anti turned to little Sans with a genuine smile.  Feeling the little guys excitement, as he asked him happily.  "What do you think Sans? Should we test it out"?  Sans nodded and bounced excitedly on Anti's shoulder in anticipation.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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