Part 9

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Anti swung his legs off the edge of the bed, climbing to his feet quickly as he sharply asked Dark.  "How long have I been out"?  The moment Anti was on his feet, Dark walked into his peripheral vision.  Dark was casually blocking his exit... sorta.  Anti saw himself easily jumping over the bed if he had too.  Dark continued to swirl his clear glass with the red liquid, when he answered Anti without a care in the world.  "A while. I really don't like being kept waiting for anything".  Anti shot him a sarcastic look, shooting back bitterly.  "You're going to blame this on me now? Get over yourself! This was YOUR fault"!  Anti gestured to his blinded eye, and tried to shove past Dark, but Dark stopped him with a hand to his chest.  Anti raised his hand to punch Dark, only to lower his hand slowly.  Anti's good eye was drawn to the needle taped to the inside of his arm.  Turning a stony glare up at Dark, Anti ground out through clenched teeth.  "How much blood have you drained from me, Dark"?! 

Dark sipped the red liquid from his clear glass with a small smirk.  Frustrated, Anti ripped the needle from his arm, lunging at Dark with it!  Dark caught Anti's wrist with his free hand, pulling his lips away from his glass to whisper darkly sweet.  "You didn't seem to mind".  Anti yanked his wrist out of Dark's grip and hesitated.  Dark had let him go?  That didn't feel right.  Dark set his glass on the side table, telling Anti in that same Darkly sweet voice.  "You're angry. I get it. I would be too... but...".  Dark trailed off in a way that made Anti start to back up.  Anti wasn't going to be caught off guard this time.  Dark straightened up menacingly slow, reaching out slowly for Anti's neck.  Anti found himself closing his eyes and baring his neck for Dark to take it in his hand.  Dark's warm fingers curled around his neck firmly and Anti felt himself relax.  Anti expected him to try and strangle him, crush his windpipe... something painful and he welcomed it.  He needed to feel pain. 

Anti felt Dark's thumb stroke up the vein of his throat, turning his head to the side.  Dark pulled him closer, brushing his lips across the soft flesh of his neck, adding on to his previous comment.  "Something tells me your frustrated for another reason"?  Anti opened his eyes, but Dark was in his blind spot... he couldn't look him in the eyes.  Anti felt Dark's teeth gaze over his throat and flinched a little.  He hadn't expected Dark to do that.  Dark chuckled so deeply that it sent goosebumps down Anti's arms.  Dark pressed his lips under Anti's ear, whispering so softly against his skin.  "You should know... I'm not gentle".  Anti smirked and rolled his eye, adding dryly.  "What makes you think I'm any different"?  Dark's answer was him biting the point of Anti's ear hard.  Anti winced, but slipped a hand over Dark's shoulder.  Dark released Anti's ear, licking the blood he had drawn out.  Then shoved Anti back across the bed hard with the hand that held his throat. 

Dark pulled his suit jacket off and tossed it over to the chair.  Rolling up his long white sleeves, and picking up his glass to take another long swig from it.  Anti leaned back on his elbows and crossed his ankles as he playfully shot back.  "Really? You taste it right from the source and you still drink that"?  Dark uncrossed Anti's legs, casually kneeling onto the bed between them as he answered.  "I don't want to waste it".  Anti sat up slowly, wrapping his fingers around Dark's blood red tie.  Pulling Dark in close to his lips, Anti whispered seductively.  "It tastes better fresh. I guarantee it".  Dark kissed Anti's soft lips, letting Anti taste his own coppery blood on his lips.  Anti was right.  The tingling spark that Anti's blood had only lasted so long in a glass... but from the vein it was pure euphoric energy.  Anti pulled away, laying back down against the bed and letting his hand slide smoothly down Dark's tie to rest his hand across his torn black jeans.

Dark licked his lips hungrily, staring at how Anti trailed his fingers from the torn up knee of his jeans and up his leg to his zipper.  Dark stopped him before he could unbutton anything.  Anti spread his arms out over his hand, asking with a smug smile.  "Not your thing, huh? How do you play"?  Dark flashed him a grin, pushing Anti's sweater and black shirt up to reveal his chest.  When Dark removed his hand, Anti pulled them off quickly and returned to his position.  Dark's grin faded into a smirk as he dripped his finger into the glass, coating it in thick blood.  Anti watched him take his finger and paint a large red 'D' over Anti's chest, as he told him calmly.  "I have an idea about how we can start killing fans. You wanna hear"?  Anti brushed his green bangs away from his eyes, asking curiously.  "I'm all ears".  Dark sucked his finger clean, before telling Anti with a menacing smile.  "I want to do something special at this years Pax. Live coverage. Lot's of our fans".  Anti started to sit up again in order to look Dark in the eyes as he asked a little excited.  "Sounds like a real blast. I wouldn't miss it".

Dark crushed the glass in his hand, before pushing Anti back down, while he whispered a little distracted.  "I'm glad you agree".  Anti flashed him a grin, adding playfully.  "What do you think about a little video to intrigue them to come to Pax? I've got an idea I think you'll find... iconic".  Dark didn't answer, he just leaned in to bite Anti's neck hard!  Anti jerked up against him with a soft groan, before digging his fingers into the back of Dark's shirt.  Anti pulled the fabric apart, listening to it shred away in his hands as he pulled the bits down Dark's muscular arms.  Dark pulled his hands free of the fabric pieces, forcing himself to sit back a moment.  Anti's body started to spark with green static as he stared disappointedly up at Dark.  He didn't want Dark to pull away!  What did he have to do to keep the son of a bitch close?  Dark responded by roughly flipping Anti over onto his chest and biting hard into his shoulder!  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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