The Big Day

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*Ji-Hoon's Perspective*

"Miss, please stop moving," my makeup artist tells me as I look around the room. I urge myself to stop fidgeting and try to relax. Everything is almost ready; my hair is done, the dress is on and my makeup is almost done. I hadn't grown as much as I thought I had, since I'm still in my first trimester. The dress fits perfectly. I walk down the isle in 15 minutes from now. For some reason, I can't seem to grasp the idea of being married. Marriage itself is something that happens every day, but marrying Kim Namjoon does not. It's almost like a dream; a dream I hope I'll never wake up from. My life has changed so much since I met Namjoon. I feel as if he has helped me grow into the woman I am today.

As I slip my pearl white heels on, I sigh. It's time. I'm about to walk down the isle where my soon-to-be husband will meet me afterwards. I've never been so nervous in my life. I have all these negative thoughts in the back of my head. What if people think that it's a shotgun wedding? What if someone doesn't agree with our marriage and speaks up during the ceremony? What if his fans find out where we are and decide to invade the wedding? My head is spinning. I feel like I'm going to pass out when I feel a tug on my arm. I turn to see Jungkook smiling at me.
"Noona, I'm here to walk with you."
I'm caught off guard. I'd forgotten that Jungkook was going to walk me down the isle, since my father was no longer with us.

As I walk down the isle, I hear a familiar song being played. It's Save Me, but Namjoon was singing the song instead of all the members having their separate parts. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I start tearing up, but force myself not to cry since I'm wearing makeup.

And then I see him. Kim Namjoon, the man I'm marrying. He looks stunning. He's wearing a solid, cool grey suit with a blue tie and white undershirt. His beautiful, brown hair is slicked back. He looks like an angel that's waiting for me at heaven's gate. I can't believe that I'm marrying the man of my dreams.

The next hour and a half feels like minutes, and the next thing I know we're at the reception. Both Namjoon and I are so busy talking with family and taking pictures with friends that we don't even notice when it's time for the first dance. Namjoon takes my hand, "Shall we?"

We dance to Jungkook and Jimin singing an acoustic version of Butterfly and it is more than perfect. The faded blue lighting and spotlight pointing at us made us both look perfect. I never want this moment to end. But somehow, time flies by and the night is over.

A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while. I've been super busy with school and martial arts and I'm really sorry for not updating more often. But wow, 4.7k?! That's insane! I never expected that to happen. I'm more than grateful. It means so much to me that you guys are actually enjoying this fanfic. Also, sorry for the sort of fast pace wedding, but the main focus will be the honeymoon ;))) So be on the lookout for that coming soon! ❤️

Also, are there any sort of special types of chapters you'd like me to do, for example like a Q&A for the characters? Comment suggestions for future chapters xoxo

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