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*Ji-Hoon's perspective*

The wait felt like forever. The phone call with Namjoon was hard enough. But finally, Wednesday came. I woke up at 7A.M. just to get ready for this date. Was it a date? I guess you could call it a date. It was definitely more than just an apology. But what if it isn't? What if he genuinely is sorry and just pitied me? It's happened before. I've been stomped on by someone I held dear. And this time it could end worse, because these are feelings I've never had before. Why was I suddenly scared to go and meet him? I shook my head, attempting to clear my mind. I had to make my self look presentable, but not too fancy. He might catch on that I'm into him if I got too fancy.

I ended up taking way too much time getting ready. By the time I was done, it was 9:45 and I hadn't even eaten yet. Looks like I'll be eating at the café. Good one, Ji-Hoon. I rush out the door, almost forgetting my books but grabbing them last minute. I didn't want to be late, especially if this counted as a first date. I wanted to have lots of time to learn about this Kim Namjoon. He seems like a very interesting person.

As I pull into the café parking lot, I can feel the butterflies in my stomach returning. Breathe, Ji-Hoon. Just play it cool, you'll be fine. I don't feel fine. I feel scared, nervous. But at the same time I wanted to see him. I walk to the café and see Namjoon before even walking through the door. He's sitting at an empty table, playing on his phone. He looks so.. Intimidating. No. He looks sexy. He has his hair set back with hairspray and he is wearing the most stylish clothes. I envy his sense of fashion.

As I walk into the café, I see Namjoon look up and smile at me. His smile seemed make everything else disappear. All the butterflies and the worries. They were gone in a blink of an eye. He greets me and I bow in return.
"You look beautiful," Namjoon says, still smiling, "what would you like to drink?"
"A-actually, I didn't have time to eat breakfast, so I-I'm going to order my own beverage and food..." I blush, partially from his compliment and partially from embarrassment.
"Oh! I haven't eaten either. How about I order for us both then? They have really good French toast here," he seems really excited.
"Are you sure? It's a little pricey..."
"I insist. Price doesn't matter to me," he chuckles.
"Okay." I sigh. How is he so nice?

"So, what brings you to New York?" Namjoon asks in a curious, almost boyish voice.
"I was about to ask you the same thing. I was born in Seoul, but my family moved here when I was young to find better work and education, so I don't remember much from my days in Korea." I explain.
"Ah, I see. Well, I'm here-" Namjoon is interrupted briefly by the waitress, "I'm here to record an album with my band. We're here for a whole year."
"Band? You're in a band?" This is the last thing I expect to hear from his mouth. He seems like such a well educated person. I almost assumed he was here for school.
"Yea, I'm in a Korean band called Bangtan Boys. We just released a new album, but that's no excuse to take a break. Plus, we love what we do," he's looking off in the distance with a huge smile on his face.
"Wow, that's amazing. That's probably the last thing I expected to hear from you. And Bulletproof Boy Scouts?" I giggle, "That's a cute name."
"Haha, I like it. I think it suits us. But what did you expect to hear?" He looks interested in my response.
"Oh you know, that you're some super smart scholar from Korea here for a crazy course in Scientology or something like that. You just give off that sort of vibe," I blush at how easy it is to talk to him.
"Haha, well I can understand that. I did well in school before I joined BTS and I taught myself English, so most people assume I'm a travelling scholar. But I'm just a boy in a band," he chirps. We end up talking until it's way past the start of my class.

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