Blind (Jaeger x Reader) [FLUFF] Part 1

Start from the beginning

"In each of these," he tapped them against the wood, "is your location. It also contains multiple reports of his appearance, the time you report in, and orders." He finished.

"I will proceed to call out your groups, and you will be prompted to arm yourselves."
Everyone leaned against their chairs.

"Wilford, Roman, Lasky, Myers." The operators collected the files, walking out and into the armory.
"You think we'll be chosen together?" Jaeger asked. You smiled, "I'm certain Marius."

"Crane, Ralph, Donald, Reece."
The four purposely bumped into one another, chuckling to themselves. They collected the files, but not before the supervisor boomed, "Keep that recklessness up, and I guarantee you'll find yourselves in a body bag today, lads."

One of them turned and stared into the older man's eyes. "Don't break your back trying to kill me old man." He cackled. The four walked out.

The supervisor muttered something, returning to his original composure in a second.

"Marius, (Y/N), Ryan, Striker." You and Marius walked down the dark aisle between the seats that crowded with soldiers, desperate to get to action.

"I trust you will get your team through this, (Y/N)?" He spoke, a sly smirk growing on his face.

"As always sir. I just hope these three can keep up." You turned to Marius, and found him glaring intently.

Giggling mischievously, you took the files and went down to the Armory. As you made your way down, Marius found it a good idea to small talk.

"So, uh. You been around longer than I have?" He said, scratching his head.

"Hmm? Oh no. I've only been here for about 3 years." You replied, smiling.

"Anyone ever tell you, that you have a beautiful smile?" He mumbled.

"Say again?" You replied, "That I had a what?"

"Have. Not had. And I meant to say that you have a pretty awesome gun. I mean. The rate of fire is just so... Insane, yeah?"
He stuttered.

"Mhmm." You could already see Jaeger becoming flustered by the seconds.

"Jesus. You two lovebirds need some time alone?" Ryan chimed in.

"More than time alone. I'd say a night, and a hotel room." Striker chuckled.

"Har, har." Jaeger glared at the two.

Once you and the group were in the Armory, you found your weapons and took the one that best suited you. A light weight MP5. You cocked the hammer back roughly, the others turning to stare.

"Um.. Sorry." You said, blushing lightly.

With that out of the way, you and Jaeger quickly made it to the hangar. Your pilot, Badger, was exceptionally skilled in flying. But he stood out from all the pilots, anywhere and anytime you got into a firefight, you could guarantee he'd be wreaking havoc, flying or not.

"Howdy! Name's Badger. I take it you guys are my team for the day?" Badger greeted.

The others introduced themselves, and you last. When Ryan was half way through one of his many tales, a loud voice filled the hangar.

"All units you are clear to exit hangar 4-2. Repeat, all units have the green light."

"Never gets old, huh?" Ryan turned to Badger.

"Long as I ain't getting my hands anywhere but booze, I'm all set." He smirked.

"Alright. Wrap it up, Echo 1. Command says you're leading out." A crewman shouted over the sound of the chopper blades.

"Hear you loud 'n clear" Badger replied.

The chopper ascended into the freezing night air, goosebumps forming in your skin.

It took a while, but when Ryan was busy engaged in a conversation with Striker and Badger, Jaeger snuck a jacket over you.

"You seemed cold." He smiled.

"What gave it away?" You replied.

"The chattering teeth, you shaking, the-"

"Yeah yeah. I'm not perfect Marius." You chuckled.

"To me you are." He spoke.

"What? I... Uh. Jaeger. Wait.." You tried to find the words in your now melting brain, like you legitimately had a malfunction.

"Aww." The intercom bellowed.

You and Jaeger spun around.
There sat the two other members of your squad smiling and giggling.

"Um. Badger ever heard of privacy?" You asked.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself. Its no lie that you two are in L-O-V"

"Multiple hostiles engaging unarmed civilians!"
The radio croaked.

"All assets available, report back to Central Guardian hospital!"

As the cries of the distant operators and the calls of civilians echoed throughout the helicopter, you tore back the door and gazed outward.

The others followed suite. And soon you were all witnessing it.

Explosions, smoke, fires all rampant through the streets. The sky, filled with falling debris of the aircraft that got too close. You swear you'd seen a fucking tank splatter and crush ignited car remains.

"Jesus H Christ.." Striker mumbled.

"Its a goddamn killzone out there." Ryan muttered.

You watched on in pain. You couldn't bear anymore.

"New orders arrived." Marius spoke.

"What?" You said.

"Command wants all units to deploy and force the enemy back."

"What? Are they fucking insane?! Its suicide! We weren't trained to fight wars!" Ryan panicked.

You froze up. Glancing down at your SMG.
It'd sure as hell take a lot more then a couple of mags to bring down a tank...

"So. Any of you dudes notice the totally fucked city? Like. From here it looks like one of them ugly light shows, y'know?"

And that concludes Part 1! Had this in the works for a while now.

I'll see you guys in the next few chapters!

(Hue hue, yay now let's wait another year and months for another overrated piece of shit update right?)
[JK, I love you guys a lot. Thanks for the support.]

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