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I panicked... I told him I loved him. Then, I panicked.

"Well, that wasn't how I expected it to come out." I sighed turning around. "Listen, I know you like me and it's fine if you don't feel the same, I just couldn't handle holding in all of my emotions for you."

"You what?" He asked me.

"I don't really want to say it again. This is so embarrassing." I plopped down onto the couch and buried my face in my hands. He didn't say it back. I mean not that I expected him to or anything, but there was hope. However, it was off my chest and I could get back to life and focusing. I should just do what I do best. Run. I got up in hopes of running out the door, but Jace was standing directly in front of me. I would have fallen back onto the couch, but Jace wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. He kisses me passionately and fierce. I am shocked and kiss back immediately.

Well, this is going to screw your life up. You are kissing your boss, but he is so warm and taste minty. We shouldn't be doing this I think to myself. I feel exhilarated.

He breaks the kiss as well as my thoughts.

"I love you too. I have wanted you to be mine since we met." He breathes in my face. His forehead is currently pressed firmly against mine.

"You do know you yelled at me? The first time we met I mean." I asked him.

"I was only trying to help." He stated plainly.

"I am just saying... Chill."

"You didn't correct me this time." He smiled. A real smile. I loved it.

I pressed my face into his chest and hugged him. This felt great.

"On?" I asked looking up at him.

"Being mine."

"Well, I trust you now and I know you. Why object to something I want? It just feels and sounds right, I guess."

He spins us around and sits down. Pulling me onto his lap. I sat there just playing with my finger for a while. I was aware that he was staring at me, but I didn't care as much as I usually did. I leaned in and tucked my face into his neck. Breathing him in. I fell to sleep in no time.

I woke up in my bed. Jace was also in the bed with me. His arm lazily on my waist. I turned so that I was facing him. His breath was even and warm, fanning across my face. I ran my fingertips down his jawline. Admiring his good looks. He was rather handsome. I was studying his face for a while before I started t fall asleep again.

"You know it's not polite to stare. Right?"

I pushed back falling off the bed onto my stomach and face. I popped up quickly shocked from the fall and his voice.

"You scared me!" I whined. Rubbing my nose. I walked out and into the kitchen to put on the coffee. It was 5 am.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Rubbing his eyes and walking towards me.

"Yes. I am."

"We should go back to bed."

"You do know you are literally paying me to do nothing? I can't just not go to work. I need money."

"So, what... I get to choose who gets paid for what."

"Also, you cant kiss or touch me at work. Then people will think you are showing me favoritism."

"I am..."

"Jace! That's not okay." I sighed "Can I get switched to another department?"

"You are not qualified for anything else in my building." He stated plainly. Looking at me through narrow eyes.

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