V [Mystic Messenger] - Moved On

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au where rika actually died xdd

V hunched over Rika's grave, sobbing onto the already wet slab of stone as his [h/c]-haired friend only stood there, holding an umbrella above both of them as rain poured down like bullets.

[Y/N]'s shoes were covered in mud, but V's pants, his coat and shoes were absolutely dirty, but he couldn't care.

[Y/N] only but stood there, feeling sorry for his friend. Rika was a nice person, but often too serious. He had nothing negative to say about her, and he had no right to do so.

He only remembered Rika's final words to him.

"Take care of Jihyun for me."

He made it his sole duty to mother V now, ever since Rika died on that hospital bed. V was confused at the lack of beeping on the heart monitor and panicked.

The nurses helped [Y/N] get V out of the room, as one nurse out a sheet over Rika's lifeless body.

It broke his heart to see his best friend from childhood break down and cry in front of the dead body of his lover. For Rika, he decided, to protect V with his life.

Months later, which was on the morning where V decided to cry over Rika's grave, [M/N] got a letter, signed with a fancifully written R.

To [Y/N]-oppa

     Hello, [ nickname ]. If you are reading this now, then I must have already died. This is my will, and I chose to hide it from Jihyun and give it to you. I asked a friend of mine to give it to you if I died. Tell them I really miss them if you run into them some day.

     Anyways, here; V and your's wedding rings. I want you two to be together when I'm gone. Why? Well, you're my best friend too, and V needs to find a way to move on. And who else would I choose for him, other than you? I was able to get a jewelry store to make this for me as a kind of debt for something.

     I want you to propose. Or, leave this on V's nightstand once you know he's head-over-heels for you, and place a note for him, with the same signature as this letter, and this is my goodbye gift for the both of you. Make wonderful children! If it's a girl, name it after me, ok? If it's a boy, then name it Riki!

I wish for you two to be happy, Jihyun especially. I've seen how you look at him, [Y/N]. I know you love him.

You have known each other since birth, and I was but an intrusion to your friendship; an intrusion to your possible relationship. And now my disappearance will make it blossom.

I wish you luck.


[Y/N] fumbled with the said rings in his pocket as if trying to memorize the feel of the diamonds and [ birthstone ]s on the gold bands. He felt a tug on his heartstrings when he felt the engraving of their names in each other's rings; Jihyun had [ birthstone ]s on his ring with [Y/N]'s name in it, and vice versa.

He felt extremely guilty since Rika spent so much on this just for him and Jihyun, but felt just as thankful all the same.

"Jihyun, I'm sorry but we have to go," [Y/N] reluctantly said to the turquoise-haired man, tapping his shoulder. "We'll be late for our flight."

"Sorry, [Y/N]," V responded, wiping his eyes and covering them with the sunglasses [y/N] had held out for him. "Ah, I have to change clothes now . . ."

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