Shimada Genji [Overwatch] - Why Genji Got "Executed" [LEMON]

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i swear to god, there will be nothing sad in this oneshot

i can't bring myself to make a heartbreaking story about my waifu, gonju shitmada

p.s. percy jackson lemon coming soon

It was close to midnight as [Y/N] snuggled unconsciously onto Hanzo, who was flustered but wrapped his arms around the [h/c]-haired male.

"Y'know, you should really get a hair cut, Handsoap," [Y/N] said, his head on Hanzo's lap as he fiddled with the bangs that almost cover his eyes. [Refer to Hanzo's Young Master/Young Hanzo skins] The said Shimada's eye twitched at the nickname [Y/N] gave him.

"Maybe you should try and act like an actual person, not a sloth."

"How rude, Shimada-san. . .~"

"[Y/N]-san! Lady Shimada requests your presence in the kitchen." One of the house help called for [Y/N].

"Huh? Oh, okay." [Y/N] got up and stretched, then followed the house help to the kitchen.

It was no secret that the [L/N] clan and the Shimada clan were extremely close although they were not related by blood.

The two soon-to-be heirs of both clans, Hanzo and [Y/N], acted like brothers and were almost never seen seperated from each other. Genji, however, was jealous of their relationship.

Genji and [Y/N] acted like friends. Just friends. No more, no less. And he hated the fact that he might not be seen as anything more.

He's spent countless nights, thinking of ways to get the young male's heart. If he was truly restless, he'd think of what would happen if his plans failed.

Like, for example, right now.

"If I gave [Y/N] chocolates that he loved, he would probably . . ." Genji said to himself as he paced around his room. ". . .share them with Hanzo and they would get married. No, that plan won't work."

He crossed out the plan in his "diary",closing it and sighing, plopping down onto his comfortable bed.

Genji heard a knock on his door, so he groaned and got up, opening it to reveal his "one and only", [Y/N].

"Your mom asked me to bring your food here because you weren't with us when we were eating," [Y/N] said, holding a tray full of food in front of the Shimada. "I made most of the food during dinner too, so it was a shame that I knew you liked it. Luckily, I saved some of it for you!"

"A-ah, thank you, [Y/N]," Genji smiled and had a rosy tint to his cheeks. He took the tray from [Y/N], brushing his hands accidentally against the other's.

"Anyways, Handsoap might be going to bed now, so can I stay with you for now? He called me a sloth," [Y/N] pouted cutely and took a running jump onto Genji's bed.

Genji put down the tray onto his desk, laughing through his nose. "Maybe you are a sloth. You barely do anything." Genji continued the teasing.

"You two are rude!" [Y/N] moaned and rolled himself into a blanket burrito, wiggling and writhing like a worm on the huge bed.

"Mhm, right." Genji took a bite from one of the rice ball that he knew [Y/N] made because of the tiny little details he put on it's sides.

"You two abuse me."

"We abuse you with love~"

i like you. + various x male!readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat