I'm Thankful for you

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The chill of November was in the air, leafs dancing I'm the wind and the smell of fall is everywhere. Thanksgiving was around the corner and many families were busy cooking or doing activities. Harry and Severus decided to do things the muggle way. They weren't gonna use magic to cook the food, insted they would make it together.

"Okay, now we need to make the stuffing." Harry's voice came from the kitchen. They just put the turkey in the oven, finished making the potatoes and corn. They decided not to make alot of food since it would just be the two of them.

"We what?" Came Severus's voice from the dinning room.

"I said, we need to make the stuffing. It's not Thanksgiving with out stuffing Sev." Said Harry as he gathered the ingredients. They began to work in a peaceful harmony as they mixed the ingredients. When it was done they covered it in plastic wrap and set it aside till later. Now all they have to do is let the turkey cook, so they went into the living room and watched "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving." Harry had to explain many times why when an adult talks, it sounds like a trumbon.

They continued to watch TV until the oven beeped letting them know the turkey was ready. When they began to set the table, Harry unknowingly spilt turkey juice on the floor. Severus also didn't noticed this, and when he brought in the potatoes, he slipped. The bowl went flying and knocked over the corn, sent the turkey in the stuffing and splattering it all over the walls. Severus looked up in horror at the table. He ruined everything!

Harry hearing Severus fall rushed into the dinning room to see it a mess. When he looked down at his lover he noticed a pubble of something by him. 'I must have spilt somethingFelling like a complete fool, Harry knelt down next to him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I think I just slipped in something." Came Severus reply as he tried to stand. Harry went to the kitchen to grab some paper towl, but when he came back Severus was gone. Growing a but panicked Harry just used his wand to banish them mess and quickly went to find his lover. He was nowhere in the house or outside. Really panicking now, Harry raked his brain trying to figure out where Severus could be.

"The park!" Harry shouted out loud. He quickly grabbed his coat and ran all the way to the park. Severus and him discovered it when they were out for a walk one afternoon. They recently started to spend every weekend there sitting on a bench facing out into the lake. Harry prayed to whatever god there was that Severus was there. He came to a sudden stop when he spotted Severus sitting on the bech looking out over the lake with sadness.

"Sev?" Harry said calmly. He didn't want to startle him.

"What are you doing here?" Severus questioned. His voice sounded so broken.

"What am I doing here? I've been looking for you for the past, " Harry quickly glanced at his watch. "Two hours. What are you doing here is the question." Harry now sat down next to him. "Why did you leave?"

"I messed everything up. I destroyed your dining room, broke you good dishes. What am I useful for?" It had gotten dark out by now, and even in the moonlight Harry could see a tear roll down his cheek.

"Your useful Sev. Look, I'm the one who spilled something. It's not your fault." When he saw that didn't make him feel better he continued. "Well, since it's Thanksgiving I'll tell you what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for you. You always treated me like a normal person. From the minute I stepped foot in that castle, you treated me like everyone else. And I know from the Order that you've always looked out for me and saved my life numerous times. I know that no matter what happens you'll always protect me and love me. And when we go back to Hogwarts, I know everybody and every news reporter will come flocking to me. I'm gonna need someone to be there for me. Not Hermione, not Ron. They left me after the tri-wizard tournament. I need you to be that person Severus. Please come home." Harry begged as he held onto his hand.

Severus turned to him and looked straight into his eyes. "You mean it? Your thankful for me?"

"I'm thankful for you Severus,  and I love you more then you can imagine." Harry said as he smiled at him.

"And I you." Severus took Harry's chin in his hand and brought there lips together into a deep passionate kiss. It lasted a few minutes before they pulled away.

"Come on let's go home baby." And together, hand in hand, they walked back home. It was nearing midnight by the time they settled down on the couch. They sat like that for a bit with Severus with his head in Harry's lap, and Harry running his fingers through his hair. A thought accrued to Harry when he heard the clock stile midnight.

"Hey, since Thanksgiving is over-"

"Sorry I ruined it."  Severus piped in.

"-I thought we could celibate it our way." Harry finished with a smile. When Severus gave him a confused look, Harry grabbed his wand. With a quick flick of his wrist, a Thanksgiving feast was spread out on the coffee table. As they started to gather there food, something accrued to Severus.

"Hey Harry?"

"Yes love?"

"I'm thankful for you too." And gave him a quick peck on the lips.

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