Supermarket Surprise

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"Hey Sev, why don't we decorate for Halloween?" Asked Harry as he sipped his morning coffee. It's bin almost a month since the fall of Voldemort, and Severus moved in with Harry. Beging a doctor Harry worked weird shifts, so they try to spend as much time together as possible. Whether it be cuddling on the couch or... other things. Now, Harry was off a full week for Halloween. And since Halloween was around the corner Harry wanted to put out decorations.

"I beg your pardon?" Severus asked as he sat down with his own coffee cup.

"I said for Halloween we should decorate." Harry repeted. He had a slight feeling this would be an up hill battle between them. He knew Severus wasn't about decorations, but he didn't TOTALLY dislike them. When Severus shook his head no Harry turned on his charm. "Please?" He begged batting his eyes and giving him the puppy dog look.

When Severus looked up from his coffee into those sad, green orbs his heart broke a little. He knew he couldn't deny Harry. His little lover new how to get to him. "Fine." He said eventually. Those eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and he knew he would never get enough of that look. " But," he added. "We go by my standards, okay Harry?"

"Deal!" He all but shouted in reply. They spent the rest of the morning going over ideas, and a budget. After the fall of the Dark Lord Severus got a job at a local bookstore. He had written to Albus that he would be staying till the next school year. Dumbledore agreed to the idea of Severus taking a vacation.

When they both were dressed and ready Harry asked as they walked out the front door " Do you want to drive or d-"

"No. Walking will be fine." Severus interpreted.  Harry gave a chuckle at his lover. Severus never did like flying on a broom, so he much less like the idea of going 50 to 60 mph in a hunk of metal.

"Okay we'll walk." He responded and took hold of his hand. The walk to the store was only two minutes away so it was fine with him. The leaves scattered the ground in a mix of yellow, red, orange, and a few green here and there. A cold breeze would blow through them making it look like they were dancing. With the hand that wasn't holding Severus's he used it to wrapped his scarf more tightly around his neck.

He felt Severus let go of his hand. He was about to look over at him when he felt Severus snake his arm around his shoulders and pull him closer. It was still early in the morning when they arrived at the store. Harry grabbed a cart and together they entered.

There were rows apon rows of candy, decorations and costumes. Severus took hold of the cart and steered them to the aisle that said decorations. They stayed away from the Halloween ones and focused on the fall ones.

They picked garland made of leaves, little and medium sized pumpkins. Harry had to beg Severus to get a wreath made of ghost to hang on the door. Eventually Severus gave in. He didn't like it when Harry begged. Well, at lest this kind of begging. They continued down the aisle of decorations until they came to the last one. This was the one before the costumes started. While Severus was busy looking at Welcome mats, Harry slipped into the costume aisle.

Through all the glitter and sparkles he noticed a wearwolf mask. Harry took a quick peek back into the decorations and when he saw Severus was still looking at the mats, he slipped the mask on.

Severus turned to ask Harry a question and was met with an empty space. Severus looked around to see where he could have gone, until his eyes landed on the sign above the next aisle that said 'costume'. Severus shook his head. He knew Harry would be in that aisle. Severus slowly creeper towards the aisle. Once there he turned and was met with the face of a wearwolf.

"Fucking Merlin's balls!" Screamed Severus as he jumped back, slipping on a fallen leaf from a decoration and falling back into a desplay. Harry burst out laughing. Lucky it was a display of beanbags, so Severus was sitting in a sea of orange and back beanbag chairs.

"Thats...not...funny...Harry." Severus gasped between breathes.

"S-sorry. I couldn't resist!" Harry laughed. Severus got up shaking his head at his lover's antics. He did love Harry's laugh. It could brighten up the darkest room. Just not so much when it was directed at him. They paid for the decorations and when they were out of site they shrunk down the bags to fit in there pockets. All the way back hey held hands, but Severus was giving Harry the silent treatment.

When they got home they put the decorations up and sat on the couch. Harry could tell something was bothering Severus. "Sev?" He asked quietly. Severus just closed his eyes and threw back his head.

Harry grabbed his wand and conjured up a plate of strawberries and chocolate sauce, and black tea. " Sev I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you that bad. Please talk to me."  Harry begged. He didn't like it when Severus ignored him.

"Give me a strawberry." Severus told him. Harry, just happy to hear his voice, picked up one of them.


"Not right now. I'll need it later." Severus some what growled out. Harry feed Severus three strawberry before he said he had enough. He grabbed Harry's wrist and pushed him back on the couch and kissed him fercly.  After a few minutes of kisses hands slipped underneath clothes.

Severus then tugged at Harry's pants until he was completely exposed. He then grabbed the bowl of chocolate sauce and drizzled along his cock causing Harry to twitch in pleasure.

Severus proceed to suck and lick it off while Harry was moaning like a made man. That tounge of his was really sinfull. Soon the chocolate was mixed with something white and to Severus that was sweeter then any chocolate. The rest of the night was spent cuddling on the couch. To Harry this was the best Halloween.

_______________________________________Happy Halloween to all my sugar cookies! Hope you night is as great as theirs was😉

I moved this story from its own book to then end of this since this is another short chapter

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