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Sverus unrolled the parchment and read it over. With each word he read, Severus's face grew a little more pale.


It seems Voldemort is aware that Harry's in a small town in the United States. He plans on attacking him in his home. I want you to find him and keep him safe. The attack was planed for September 30th. I don't know when this will reach you, I can only pray it does in time. I have sent order members to patrol the town but you'll be the main one to protect Harry. Come back the both if you.


"Sev? What's wrong?" Harry asked. When Severus didn't respond he lightly griped on of his arms and put two of his fingers underneath his chin and turned his face towards his own. "Severus what's wrong?" He asked in a calm soothing voice.

"Voldimort." Sevrus replied in a shaky voice. "He knows your here. He's coming. Tonight. Some order members are gonna be around town taking care of Death Eaters, but I'll be the one protecting you." Harry's grip on his arm became more tight. He could tell Harry was only gonna become more angry, so he pulled him tightly to his chest.

"Look. I know your upset, but we have to be rash. We're on unfamiliar grounds. It will be okay." He felt Harry nod against his chest, but some tension still remained. For good measure, Severus gave him a little kiss on the top of his head.

"Okay, we need a plan." Harry said not long after they arived inside.

"If Voldemort comes by himself, wich knowing him he will, then we have a pretty good chance of beating him."

"I'm sorry, did you just say we?" Asked Harry turning away from the window to look at Severus.

"Yes I said we. Like I was gonna let you do this alone." Sevrus said in a voice that assured Harry that he would not leave him.

They thought in silence for a few minutes until Severus had an idea. Insane yes, but an idea. "How about you wait for him on the front steps. Say, Dumbledore got in touch with you insted of me, so that's why you were prepared. I could wait in one of the bushes or somewhere else. I could cast an Expelliarmous on him. But Harry listen closely to me, he will then be distracted by me. Don't worry I can defend by self. While he's distracted though, you must immediately cast a silent Avada Kedavra. That should work." Severus said as he went to the window to find a hiding spot.

"Your sure that will work?" Harry as he wrapped his arms around the back of Snape. Severus could sense the panic in his lover's voice. Sevrus turned and captured Harry's lips in his own. The kiss was all he need to assure him that Sevrus would be fine and protect him no matter what. When the kiss finally broke the clock struck midnight. Severus crept out first and hid behind the shed in the front yard. Harry meanwhile sat on the steps and waited.

They waited for a few minutes before off in the distance the dark mark shot up in a cloud of green. The snake winding it's way through the night sky. They knew Voldemort was on his way. In the darkness Harry saw Severus grip his wand tighter. When he looked back at the sky, the snake was now winding it's way towards his house. It came winding down till it hit the sidewalk. It coiled then slowly faded away leaving a black clocked figure in its place. Voldimort.

"Harry Potter." Came his raspy voice. "The Boy Who Lived. About to die, a painful death." Harry stole a glance at Severus. He saw him mouth some words and read them as 'Get him closer'.

"Your the only one who's gonna die tonight. Tom." Harry said in a voice with as much Griffendor courage he could muster. Voldimort moved closer to Harry, almost like an animal stalking it's prey.

"How DARE you use my father's pethetic muggle name on me!" Voldimort hissed in anger. His eyes were glowing a dangerous red. To make sure Sevrus had Voldemorts back to him, and also Voldemort couldn't see Severus, Harry walked around him and backed up to the road.

"Sometimes muggle names are better. There's no threat in the word Tom." Harry replied laughingly. "Besides I, don't know why you want to kill me. I didn't do anything to deserve to be killed over. Unlike you"

Now Voldemort was moving away from the house and advancing on him more slowly. "Those people deserved to die. Mudblood don't deserve to live." He whispered.

"What about Elaine?" Harry asked before he could stop himself. He and Severus knew the reason they just wanted to hear it from the monster himself. "She was pureblood. Why did you kill her?"

"It's simple Harry, Severus Snape was a traitor. He purposely faild many missions to kidnap you, was spying for Dumbledore, and even attacked on of my servants! That was his warning." Voldimort raged in furry.

Harry understood almost all of it. What he didn't understand was. "Was? What do you mean was a tratior?"

"Oh, I had some of my Death Eaters go to his house and burn it. And can you belive he only lived a few streets down? Ha!" Voldimort started his psychotic laugh. "And now.... it's your turn." He said as he rose his wand up over his head. A moment later Severus sent his most powerful Expelliarmous at Voldemort’s hand. His wand went flying into a nearby bush. Voldimort turned around and was shocked to see who dared disarm him.

"Well, well. Look who actually showed up. Thought you would be dead by now."  The Dark Lord said in a mocking tone.

"Your the only one who's gonna die, Tom. You have no power here."  Severus replied in his most deepest voice that it gave Harry the chills. Voldimort began to laugh again, when suddenly his laugh was cut short by a bright green light. Voldimort lifeless body hit the dirt with a resounding thud. Severus cast a burning charm and blew away the ashes. The Dark Lord was no more.

"I killed him." Harry's voice came through the darkness. Severus looked up to see him shaking a bit,  and could here his rapid breathing. Moving quickly he ran forward and caught his little lover just before he himself hit the ground. Harry looked up and him and shared a small smile before he blacked out. Sevrus carried him back in the house, but not to the couch. He moved him into the bedroom.

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