Sperm Sample

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"No potter"

"Dammit Severus just take the fucking pill." Harry was at then of his patients. Severus knew it to if he had to use his first name. When Severus bent his leg, he revealed another laceration on his balls. Well, it really was between his leg, but walking rubbed it into the balls and cause a purplish rash.

"Snape, I know your not gonna like this but, I need you to lie down on your back and then lift up the front of your gown."

Snape's head snapped up and shot daggers with his eyes at Harry "The hell I will!"

"Now, I just want to check something. If you want I can raise the top of the bed so you can see everything I do." That calmed him a little but not completely. Snape nodded his head and helped Snape onto his back. Once in that position, he raised the top of the bed and Snape reluctantly raised the front of his gown.

"Okay now I'm gonna need you to rebend that leg." Harry said as he put on a fresh pair of gloves. Once Severus did it was clear to see from walking, he rubbed it causing it to spread.

"Okay Snape, one of the lacerations was caught between you leg. As you walked you rubbed a rash into you balls. I'll have to drain the blemishes, and give you a cream to put on it but..." Harry trailed of and glanced around the room to find a life line to help him.

"What is it Potter? Spit it out already!" Snape was now very annoyed.

"Well, because of where it's located, I'm gonna need a sperm sample to make su-" Harry began but was cut off by Severus.

"Oh hell no. I'm not gonna sit here while you watch me wank off in to a damn cup!" He shouted while he held a scowl that showed he now wanted to strangle Harry.

"No. Merlin no. I can give you a pill to take that will cause you to ejaculate. But tell me, why would you think that I would watch you wank off into a cup for?" Harry asked with a puzzled look. And that brings us to the present. Snape new he had no choice.

"Fine." He spat though gritted teeth.

Harry walked to cabinet and grabbed a bottle of blue pills. He put a small one in his had and grabbed a small cup. He handed them to Severus and grabbed another cup and filled it with water. "You should start to feel something in a minute or two and just catch as much as you can in the cup." Harry stated as he turned around and grabbed a small scalpel. He still had to drain the blemishes.

Has he was grabbing his equipment, he heard Severus give a small moan.
'Oh how I wish I could be the cause of it' thought Harry. He closed his eyes for a minute to imagine and then returned to the matter at hand. When he turned around he got a big surprise.

There sat Severus with his hand and cup covered completely in cum. The cup was full to the brim, and over flowed all over his hand and a small pool was gathering on the bed.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that from you Snape." Said Harry as he carefully plucked the cup from Severus's hand trying not to let it slip.

"What do you sound so surprised for? That is my normal amount you know."
'Why the hell did I say that to him?!' Severus mentally kicked him self. Harry on the other hand was struggling to not let the amusement show on his face.

"Well, I'm gonna send this to the lab to make sure every thing is okay, and then I'll work on those blemishes and you should be out of here." Said Harry as he caped the sample and walked out the door. Harry was only a few minutes and he started to drain the blemishes. Harry was trying his hardest not to look at Snape's cock, but that was like asking Voldemort to wear a head band out of flowers. It just wasn't gonna happen.

Eventually he made it through and grabbed the cream. "Now, your gonna have to put this cream on it twice a day. When you wake up and before you go to bed. If you don't see a change in size or color in a week come back, but other wise it should be gone in two weeks. Plus it will sting each time till it's almost gone." And with that Harry put a quarter amount on his hand a gently rubbed it on the rash. Severus let out a hiss at contact but then held it in for the rest of the time.

After Harry was finished with that he started to clean up his area. He was just washing his tools when Severus asked a question, "So what made you become a doctor anyway?"

"Well," Harry began, "because I like to help people. And not just by fighting in war. This allows me to help them, but not cause alot of deviation to families. Well unless a patient dies on the operating table. That was only once. She was just bleeding from too many placed for us to help her." Just as he finished up his explanation the results came back.


Hello my little sugar cookies. I'll jot be able to update for a while I got grounded. I don't know when I'll be back, but that day that I am I'll post multiple chapters to make up for it. And because someone asked me to update more than once a week, my publish dates should be Sunday and wensday were I'm located. Love you all and stay fresh

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