How it Started

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Severus Snape never was a fan of muggle hospitals. He normal went to a healer at St. Mungos, if he was in England that is. But a rumor was spread though out the Wizarding World that the Dark Lord has gone over to America to recruit new followers. And Dumbledore took it to his brilliant mind to send Severus to America for a year to investigate.

Now, Severus had nothing against the idea at first. But then Albus said that he was not supposed to brew potions in order to avoid suspicion. To say Severus was pissed would be an understatement. After many hours of yelling( and some stray hexes ) Severus agreed.

Severus than returned to his home on Spinners End to begin packing. He had to resign from his potion at Hogwarts for the year which he wasn't too upset about. 'A year without brats blowing up my cauldrons'  Severus thought to him self as he packed. But Severus was sad because the one year that he could have the chance to teach a class without Harry Potter in it, he had to spend on another continent.

He then took a cab to the airport and boarded a plane to America. He sat alone and was thankful for this because he was going over the plans for the mission. He was to gather evidence that this rumor was real. If he had no valuable evidence by two months, he was to return home. But if he did find evidence he was to warn the wizards of just exactly who Voldemort was, and what he had planned no matter what they were told.

His plane touched down in Pennsylvania, and he took a bus to a town a few miles away. Insted of getting a taxi to take him to his home, he shrunk his bags when no one was looking and put them pocket. He then walked from down town to his home to get a better lay out of the town. There were some cafés and bookstores that he planned to check out another day.

His home was about a two minute walk from down town. He lived on a quiet street, not many people had kids  thank Merlin. He got most of his money transferred so he didn't have to work.

He lived in a one story house with a small garden in the front. When he walked in, he was greater with a grand fire place and ubove it a tv. Across from it was a black couch and a glass coffee table and potted plants scared around the room. The dining room had a small two person table and a bay window. The kitchen was a modern kitchen with a lot a space. Many people might not know but since cooking is so close to potion making, that was Severus's second love. The place had three bedrooms and one and a half baths.

It's been close to a month and everyday, though to Severus's disliking, had to go out and try to socialize to find out information on the Dark Lord, and so far had heard nothing. It wasn't until one day he was walking around a bookstore that he over heard a conversation in one of the aisles.

"I heard he's form over seas!" one of the gentleman said. "I heard he promises fame and fortune.  Not many wizards have that know a days here." Said the other. That's all Severus needed to know that the Dark Lord was coming.

He then returns home with a few books and begins to write in a jurnal he got a few weeks ago. He thought that if he couldn't speak to Albus to update him, he could at least keep a record of what happened.

On the Friday of that week, while Severus was sitting at a table in a café sipping his tea, he spotted an all to familiar figure in a black hooded robe and a group of people go down a back street.

Severus quickly paid for the drink and walked/jogged to the ally way and hid behind a dumpster. What he saw made him forget how to breathe. Voldemort was preaching of the fame and fortune that was promised if they followed. What he didn't tell them was the war they were gonna be used in back over in England. This went on for about a good half hour before all the wizards and witches present scrambled to get the dark mark placed apon there arm.

Severus stayed behind the dumpster until the Dark Lord left. He waited a good minute until he emerged from his hiding spot. Once he got to the middle of the ally way, he then realized someone was there. And who he saw made his blood run cold. Wormtail was standing tall with his wand raised. Severus immediately drew his wand and began to duel Wormtail. He knew that if he could get to the entrance of the ally way he could get behind the corner and in a split second apparate home. Once there Severus made to turn, but was hit in the back with a non verbal spell that cause lacerations all down his back side. And since it was a non verbal spell, and he wasn't allowed to brew potions, he had no way of helping him self so he would have to go to a muggle hospital to get treated.

When Wormtail went off to tell Voldemort, Severus sent an obliviate to him and replaced it with a false image of him dueling with someone else. Just moving was causing so much pain. Just to raise his arm to hale a cab caused his shirt to rub against the cuts send pain down his back. Once in the cab, he realized just how painful it was to sit. This however was torrerab. But once they started moving the bumps and turned caused Severus excruciating pain. It took all his will power not to scream.

Once at the hospital, he stepped out still trying not to scream. He when arrived so did and ambulance pulled up. Out of the back came a car crash victim scream in pain, and the family wasn't far behind came up to him and started cry waterfalls. This made Severus even more fearful of hospitals. ' Great. This is gonna be a long day' Severus thought.


Authors note

Hello my little sugar cookies ( yes that's what I call my followers) this is my first time attempting a fanfic. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. I will try to update weekly but school is starting up again so it might vary. Sorry if spelling errors of grammar they are not my strong points. If you have and suggestions or feed back positive or negative it would be greatly appreciated!

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