The Sorrow

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Harry's scedual changed from day shift to night shift. He was walking around the hospital till he found him self in the departure ward. This is where the people who they knew where gonna die and can't be saved were sent. He kept walking till he came to a intersection in the hallway. He looked down all of them when something caught his eye. As he got closer he realized it was a man. He was crying perfusly in front of one of the doors. Harry never liked people crying, but when he realized who the person crying was made him all the sadder.

"Severus?" Harry spoke in a soft voice as to not startle him. When Severus lifted his head, his face was stained with tears, eyes red and puffy. He could physically see the man trembling. He was curled up into a tight ball against the wall. He never thought he would see the Potions Master form Hogwarts who towered above everyone look so small. He just saw him at dinner a few hours ago were Severus was his normal cool collective self. What could happen in those few hours to turn him to this?

"Hey, I get off in a few minutes. How about I take you back to the break room and then we can go back to my house if you want to talk." Harry whispered. He had no other way to help the man before him besides talking to him. If he wanted to help him he had to know what was wrong first.

Severus was still unable to speak so he merly just nodded his head in agreement. Harry grabbed both his hands to help him stand up and felt just how bad the man was shaking. Harry half dragged half helped walk Severus to the break room. A trip that would take a person two minutes took them five because of how slow Severus had to walk to maintain his balance.

"Would you like some coffee? Water perhaps?" Offered Harry

Severus shook his head and stumbled" W-water will be fine." His voice trembled with every word. Harry grabbed a cup and filled it to the top with water and carefully passed it to the man. Just as he turned to go grab his things he saw Severus struggle to not spill water on himself as he drank. Harry quickly grabbed a straw and passed it to Severus. He nodded his head in thanks and continued to drink.

Harry got to the changing room with record time and hurried to get dressed. He didn't want to leave Severus for longer then what was needed. He almost tripped over his pants in a rush and burst out the door. He shouted at the front desk head was clocking out and waved good bye.

It was a good thing Harry returned when he did because another doctor was tell Severus, in a very rude manor, to leave. Snape just kept his head down on the table and ignored the man. He didn't trust himself to speak. "

"It's fine Danny. He's with me. We were just leaving." Harry stated matter-of-factly. He did not like this man since he first came to the hospital.

Danny gave him a scowl and brushed passed him cursing under his breath. Harry went over and tapped Severus on his sholder. "Do you want to walk or get a cab back to my place. I don't live that far." He said as he escorted Severus out the hospital. Truth be told he wasn't sure if he should let Severus walk, but he did want to walk.

Severus decided to walk in order to clear his mind. The walk to Harry's place was silent, but it was peaceful, comfortable silence. As they neared the place he could hear Harry fumbling around with his keys.

Harry lived in a one story house with a small garner in the front. Thought the door was a spacious living room. The was a brick fire place with a flat screen on the mantle, a black sectional, and a small coffee table in between them. The dining room was like Severus's small, but made of dark wood.

"Do you want something to drnik? I could make tea." Harry said after he hung up his coat. Severus nodded his head in agreement and sank into the couch. After a while Harry brought in the tea and passed a cup to Severus. He gave a weak smile in return and greatly took the cup.

Harry noticed he had stopped shaking and almost returned to normal color. They sat sipping there tea in silence until Harry's voice cut threw. "Do you want to talk about what happedend? You don't have to if you don't want to." He said the last sentence in a rush. He didn't want Severus to think he was prying.

He was quiet for a moment. Severus took a deep breath and began. "I-I got a call around one" he whispered. "And it was the lady from the front desk. She told me I had to come to the hospital straight away. So I got dressed and left. W-when I arrived she took me down this long hallway then came to a hult in front of a door." He paused, putting his head in his hands a sniffed. Harry saw he started to shake again.

"W-when I walked threw the door," His voice was now shaking. " there...there...there was my mother. Laying on the bed hooked up to so many machines. T-the doctor told me s-she was found in the street. H-he also said she was brain d-d-dead. I s-saw the word traitor carved into her left arm where the d-dark m-mark would go. The only thing I could do was let her go. B-but, she was the only family I had left!" He finished in an all out sob.

Harry's heart all but stopped and wept for Severus. The man before him just lost his mother, and from the way Snape told the story, he could tell that he was very close with her. He didn't know what to do. He knew that any words would be pointless. He did what he thought was best, regardless of who Snape was.

He walked to the other end of the couch, sat down next to him and hugged him. 'Well this may ruin our friendship but he needs someone' Harry said in his head as he wrapped his arms around he potions professor. But to his amazement, Severus wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and held on to him like he was his only life line. He then barrier his head in the crook of Harry's shoulder.

Harry used his free hand to reach for a lever in between the cushions that allowed the back to fall down and the bottom to come up. He gently eased Severus into laying down. Severus repositioned himself so now he was crying into Harry's chest. Harry meanwhile was running his hand either through Snape's hair or rubbing soothing circles on his back.

Severus was calming down thankful for the small act of comfort. Harry let a small, sad smile creep onto his face. He tried to stifle a yawn but faild. He glanced at the clock and realized it was half past three. He grabbed his wand and conjured a blanket, and transfigured their clothes into bed clothes. He figured Severus was asleep by how quiet he was. Harry to began to drift off with the thought of Voldemort's demise in his head. He took away Severus only family. He would pay. Now Harry only hoped he could be apart of Severus's new family.

Severus was awake still, but refused to move from the comfort of the younger man's arms. He liked the feeling that someone else beside Albus cared for him so much and would protect him. For so long, Severus felt like he had to be strong threw every thing life threw at him. He thought that he wasn't allowed to break. Well today he broke, and when he thought no one was there for him, Harry was. When Harry first came to him, he realized he was nothing like James as he first thought. James wouldn't have looked at him with caring, and dare he say it, loving eyes. James wouldn't have comfort him and held him as he cried. Harry did. As he spent more time with Harry, it dawned on him that he wasn't like James, nor was he like Lily. He was Harry, his own person with a diffrent personality.

Severus was interpreted by the slight sound of Harry snoring. He snuggled a little closer and berthed in the sent of Harry. Apple and cinnamon for the fall weather. He never did like that sent but now it became his favorite. 'Ha, falling for your students. And the golden boy to make it worse. And that cute little snore don't help.' Was Severus's last thought as the land of dreams claimed him.

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