My Adventure Begins

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*SLAM* as I close my bedroom door with a loud bang. "Enough of that!" My step mother yelled up. "Don't make me come up there!" My step father yelled after my mother. If you couldn't guess I'm grounded. Again.
Of course I just screamed at the top of my lungs
My father stormed in "Your as insane as you're fucking crazy ass father!"
"Good!! I rather be like him than you! I fucking hate you both!!"
*SMACK* I put a hand to my face as it glows red raw... My father had hit me.. "Enough of the language you little bitch! You're lucky we ever even adopted you!! If this is how you're gonna repay us then I am gonna teach you a lesson,," He leaves and comes back with a wooden cane.. You can guess what's coming.. I always knew once he grabbed that thing I was getting it..
He rips my shirt and smacks the cane across my back.
I looked up at him holding back tears.. I smirked up at him. He continued beating me as I laughed. "I'll finish off later!" He soon stormed out and locked my door. If you're wondering how I laugh at these beatings well.. I've been cut, hit, strangled, hell even sent to hospital because of my father, he abuses me daily.. If my mother were to interrupt she'd become a victim of it too. But of course she hates me as much as my dad. Anyway, he abuses me every morning and every night.. When I get grounded he takes advantage of it and beats me most of the night but tonight was my lucky night as he and my mother were going out tonight to an important business meeting or party or whatever..
I've had enough of abuse.. I've been planning awhile now and I think it's a good night to start. Getting my real father back. Nobody is gonna stop me... I will not be forced to live like this anymore. As I slam my hand on my table, helping myself to my feet, stinging all over but I ignore the pain. I sat at my bedroom window for a short while before grabbing my phone.
I rang my best friend Jake. Asking if he'd meet me at the park. Of course he agreed. I put on a green long sleeved belly top and purple shorts with leggings, one side black and green stripes the other black and purple. I put my hair in a pony tail and leapt from my window and ran for the park..
I noticed Jake as I walk over, Jake always knew when something was up. But I never told him about my true family or that my foster family is so abusive to me. I've always hidden that..
"Hey Mads, what's wrong?" Jake asked
"My stupid family! Grounding me again.." I sighed."I've decided to find my real father"
"Wait.. What?" He looked confused.
I explained my entire past, from Joker being my father to my foster parents abusing me.
"If I wasn't so worried of spending time in jail I'd kill you're step father if I could."
I giggled "I know but anyway.. I wanted to go searching for my true father.." I look down sighing.
"Are you mad?" Jake let out a small laugh "What am I saying. You've always been crazy."
"Maybe so, but aren't we all a little crazy?" I said smirking. "Anyways it's getting late ya better get home" I looked up then back to Jake.
"You be careful. Don't get you're self killed" He chuckled
"I'll try but you know me! Life ain't fun without a little danger to play along!" I laughed as I skipped off into the distance. Giving a final wave

So I've finished collecting what I need to.. Change a little.. Now to find a safe place to 'doll' myself up into a new me..
I arrived at some abandoned building, I entered. Knife in hand as self defence.
It was empty. I placed my small purse down by the mirror which was cracked in the corner. I looked up at myself and smiled. A crack on the mirror looks like a smile on my reflection. My smirk grew as I grabbed my knife and cut a smile into my face. I dyed my hair green.
I put black all around my eyes but not joining the two sides.
I used lipstick to tidy up the scars a little and used bleach to burn my face white. I giggled as I threw on a purple business like skirt, purple shirt, green vest, a green tie around my neck and a long purple tuxedo jacket. Not done up. I put on checkered tights, attaching them to my skirt, finally putting on brown heeled shoes. I put my knife into my pocket and put on purple gloves. I grabbed a needle and filled it with Jokers Toxin, aka his famous Laughing Gas.

I looked up once more at the new me, I laughed maniacally and left, my jacket flowing behind me

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I looked up once more at the new me, I
laughed maniacally and left, my jacket flowing behind me..

"Joker.. My Father... I'm coming to find you.."

That's the first part of my story. Hope you enjoyed. More to come soon!!
I take no credit for the pictures. Also want to mention it is my first actual story. My best friend who the character Jake is based on gave me inspiration to start :)
Anyways see you all in the next part! <3

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