Chapter 26

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"It was terrible, absolutely horrifying. You should have seen all the blood." Sam says. He and Dean are in Dean's living room, sitting on the couch. Cas walks in with some tea.

"Nine bodies," Sam sighs, gratefully taking the tea from Cas. "He's angry, it's got to be because of the copycat killer."

"I'm sure, someone pretending to be him, trying to take his thunder, it would make any psycho pissed." Dean says with a straight face.

"And the icing on the fucking cake, all of the fucking cameras were wiped clean." Sam murmurs.

"Really?" Cas cocks his head. Dean forgot to mention that he cleared the cameras.

"Yeah, everything the cameras had caught in the previous 48 hours were gone. Not a single foreign print was found and no shoe prints. Like how the hell did he not get blood on his shoes?"

Dumb luck Dean sighs to himself.

"One of my newer forensics guys was astounded by the cunning of this killer. Didn't think Cain was capable of something like this. Like he had to have killed eight of the guys in one go."

"Yeah, it's a bit unbelievable." Cas shakes his head. Dean glances at him.

"The copycat is bound to respond, probably a lot bigger than he's been doing." Dean looks back at Sam. It's been two days since Dean made his kills. Sam had been so busy with it, he hadn't had free time until today. He hasn't even had time to sleep. Gabriel had even called yesterday worried about Sam.

"Not if we can help it." Sam responds. "We're keeping the media far from this one. If the copycat doesn't know about it he won't try to one up Cain."

Dean frowns to himself at this, he needs a response from the copycat. He made his move, now it's the copycat's turn.

A pounding sounds at the door, a relentless knocking that doesn't give any sign that it will stop until answered.

"I'll get it." Cas hops up and goes to answer the door.

"Sam Winchester!" Gabriel stomps into the room. Sam sighs softly and stands.

"Hey, Gabe. I was gonna call-"

"You finally get a break from work and instead of coming home to a good meal and sleep, you go to your brother to talk about work?" Gabriel frowns at him.

"I'm sorry, it's just this case." Sam rubs his face.

"I know it's the case," Gabriel sighs and wraps his arms around him. "That's why you need to come home and get some rest."

"You can't argue with that, Sammy." Dean says. Though he does want to hear more about the case, he cares about Sam's health and agrees that he needs rest.

"Maybe you can stop by my office tomorrow." Sam tells Dean before letting Gabriel pull him out.

"Do you see what it's doing to him?" Cas asks softly.

"I know," Dean sighs. "But it's not like I can just stop." Cas sits on his lap and nuzzles his neck.

"Have you ever tried stopping?" Cas presses soft kisses to Dean's neck. Dean arches his neck for him.

"I can't. If I go too long without killing I get blood thirsty." Dean murmurs.

"How so?" Cas pulls back and looks at him.

"That's when I have those dreams, the ones about you..." Dean falls silent.

"The ones where you kill me?" Cas asks softly. Dean can only nod. "And do you regret it, when you kill me?"

"Of course I do, I couldn't live with myself if I actually hurt you." Dean cups Cas' cheek and rests his forehead against his.

"That's how I know you aren't all that bad." Cas relaxes against him. "You regret killing Jess, and you would regret killing me. You aren't a monster, I know you think that sometimes, but I don't."

"Please," Dean scoffs. "Don't try and lie to me. You think I'm a monster, I can see it in your eyes."

"When we first started dating you knew how much I admired Cain. Yes, I was a bit horrified to find out my boyfriend was Cain the whole time, but in a way I still admire that side of you, it just may be a little differently now."

"But you're scared of me."

"I was, only because I knew what you are capable of. But I know you won't hurt me." Cas pulls back and stares into his eyes.

"I don't deserve you." Dean cups his cheek.

"Sure you do, or else I wouldn't be here." Cas smiles. Dean smiles in return, but the smile doesn't reach up to his eyes, Cas can tell he's worried about something.

"What's wrong?" Cas asks.

"The copycat." Dean replies. "He's going to reply with something bigger when he finds out."

"What do you think it will be?" Cas asks?

"It could be anything. He could go after Sam, to try an assert his dominance in the whole situation, you know, I killed a shady rich guy, but he got the lead agent. Best case scenario would be he comes after me, thinking he will one up Cain by killing Sam Winchester's brother."

"What will you do if that happens?" Cas asks, though he already knows the answer.

"I'll kill him, just like I killed the others. He won't get away with what he's done and what he's bound to do."

"I just don't want anything to happen to you." Cas sighs.

"I promise nothing will happen to me." Dean smiles.

The next week Dean spends a lot of his time at Sam's office. They discuss the case, though nothing changes. Dean mostly sticks around to find out if the copycat has responded. The media is still unaware of the death of Dick Roman, and Sam is doing a good job at keeping it that way.

When Dean isn't talking with Sam he visits forensics to see what all they found at Dick's house. Not that he's worried he left any evidence, he just wants to be safe.

"Hey, Adam, anything new?" Dean asks as he saunters up. Adam, is in charge of forensics, he may be young, but he is the best. The new forensics guy glances up at him.

"You know as well as I do that we won't find anything. Cain is too smart for that." Adam rolls his eyes.

"He'll slip up, they always do." The new guy says. He may be new, but he is far from young. He has longer hair that is graying as well as a beard. Dean hasn't even had time to learn his name, not that he cares to.

"Not Cain, he really knows how to not leave any evidence behind." Adam shakes his head and turns back to working on what he was doing.

"Yeah, he's extremely brilliant. I doubt he will ever get caught​." Dean smirks triumphantly at Adam's back.

"Yeah, so it seems." Adam mumbles, his focus completely on the microscope in front of him.

"Well I see that you two are busy. I'll check back in later." Dean turns on his heels and steps out. He feels as if someone were staring at him as he walks, but he shoves away the feeling.

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