Chapter 23*

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When they finish eating and talking,  Dean shouts goodbye to Garth and nearly yanks Cas out of the diner.

"Now where are we going?" Cas asks with a laugh.

"It's a surprise!" Dean grins. He ushers Cas into the car. He quickly peels out and takes off down the road. The ride is only a few minutes long, and Dean pulls into an area of flat dirt that is near a small mountain covered in trees. 

Dean slips out of the car and moves to the trunk. Cas gets out as well and goes to the trunk, seeing that Dean is pulling two backpacks out.

"Are we hiking?" Cas asks in question.

"Yup, I thought it would be fun." Dean hands Cas one of the backpacks,  slipping on the other one himself.

"Doing anything with you is always fun." Cas puts on the backpack.

"Damn right," Dean grins,  waggling  his eyebrows and giving Cas a suggestive look. Cas blushes, shoving him away. "Aw, come on,  Cas," Dean grins and wraps his arms around Cas' waist.

"I thought we were hiking," Cas murmurs as Dean presses close to him.

"We will, but a little delay won't hurt." Dean kisses at his neck. "The backseat is empty."

"Oh no," Cas slips out of his grasp with a sly grin. "We're going to go hiking."

Dean huffs and shuts the trunk of his car. He takes Cas' hand and takes him to a trail the leads into the trees. Dean seems very familiar with this path and just as Cas is about to ask how he knows the place, Dean opens his mouth to speak.

"Sammy and I used to walk this path all the time back when we were kids. We would even spend summer nights out here, just because we could." Dean explains with a fond smile. "Times were so innocent and simple back then." He squeezes Cas' hand. "and now you're an important part of my life and I want to share this with you. It's something important to me as Dean Winchester, not Cain."

Cas smiles softly. His heart soars with love for this man. He knows he should probably be scared after finding out what Dean is really capable of, but he knows dean won't hurt him. And after finding out about Dean being Cain,  there have been no secrets between each other.

The path they walk is clear,  but looks as if it hadn't been used in a while.

"I broke my leg falling out of that tree," Dean points to a thick and tall tree.

"How did you fall out?" Cas asks with a laugh.

"Funny story,  actually." Dean laughs. "Me and Sammy were out here, you know, being kids and climbing trees. Of course we decided to race like a couple of idiots" He shakes his head. "I was winning,  and this squirrel came out of no where and flew at my face.  My first instinct was to cover my face with my hands,  which were keeping me in balance on the tree. And in super slow motion, I felt myself fall backwards. On my way down my leg smacked into one of the branches,  snapping both my fibula and tibia. The bones almost broke through the skin. I was in so much pain. 

"And to make matters worse,  the fucking squirrel started throwing shit down at Sammy as he was climbing back down then when he got down we were both being pelted. Sammy had to support me all the way back home. And he was a small kid, so it wasn't easy for him. Normally it's like a twenty minute walk,  thirty at the most.  But we took nearly two hours to get home. And boy,  Bobby was pissed.  Took me to the hospital and when when we got home he nearly tore me a new one." Dean smiles at the memory. Cas listens intently.  It isn't often he gets to hear about Dean's childhood.

"Tell me more," Cas prods lightly.

"I always hiked this trail to be alone. If I was stressed or troubled,  I would come out here and let the earthy smell wash over me. Sam would always come and find me an hour after being out here alone and he'd read to me for a while. I always liked the crime novels the best." Dean chuckles.

"That sounds very wonderful, Dean." Cas smiles.

"Yeah,  it was." Dean smiles. "I'd like to make more good memories out here with you." Dean squeezes his hand.

"I would very much like that, Dean." Cas smiles brighter.

They keep walking, moving slow. Cas listens as Dean tells him different stories of his past.

"Now this,  this is what I really wanted to show you." Dean says excitedly. A smaller path veers off the main path and Dean yanks Cas that way.  The path leads out from under the trees and into a clearing on a cliff.  And in the clearing is a small cabin. 

"What's this?" Cas asks.

"Bobby built this the summer after me and Sam found this place. Thought we should have a place to sleep when we stay out here. And now I'm sharing it with you." Dean pulls him inside.

It's small,  the living room and kitchen all in one room and a separate bathroom.

"There's an outhouse and a well outside, so water and bathroom is available." Dean explains. "No electricity, though,  but that's fine."

"Thank you for showing me this," Cas smiles at Dean. Dean smiles and sets his backpack on the ground, Cas does the same.

"Get comfortable, we'll be staying here for the night." Dean leads Cas to the couch.

Cas sits on the couch and pulls Dean down onto his lap. Dean looks mildly surprised as he straddles Cas' lap, but he doesn't object.

"I love you, Dean," Cas murmurs as he presses soft kisses to his neck. Dean's eyes flutter shut as he arches his neck for Cas.

"I love you too, Cas." Dean moans as Cas starts sucking his skin between his teeth. Dean starts grinding down on him, as Cas marks his neck. 

"I'd like to fuck you, Dean." Cas murmurs against Dean's neck, his voice husky and low.

"What's stopping you," Dean moans. His mind goes back to the first and only time he let Cas top, how great it felt.

Cas flips Dean into the couch, and kisses him deeply. As they kiss, their clothing is removed,  piece by piece.

Cas enters Dean with a low moan. Dean grips Cas tight,  moaning his name. Cas doesn't waist time with gentleness, thrusting quick and hard into Dean.

"Ah fuck," Dean moans,  gripping Cas' back tightly. Cas pounds hard into him, moaning loudly.

Dean cries out his name, moving with him.  Cas thrusts harder, resting his head on Dean's shoulder. They keep moving together, a tangle of limbs and moaning each other's names.

"Oh god, Cas,  I'm so close." Dean gasps. With one more thrust,  Dean cums with a cry if Cas' name. As Dean clenches around Cas,  he shudders,  thrusting deep into Dean and climaxes. They grip each other tight as they ride out their orgasms.

They look at each other,  panting heavily.

"Fuck, Cas,  that was great." Dean grins up at him. 

"Yeah," Cas smiles.

"I have much more to show you if you'd like to go a few more rounds." Dean grins.

"I would like that very much." Cas chuckles.

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