Chapter 12 *

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Dean leaves the building and approaches his car, but he doesn't get in. Why did Sam have to do this? He left Cas to protect him, to keep him safe from the damage he could do. And now, seeing Cas again just makes him want him even more.

"Dean," Cas says softly.

"Cas, please go," Dean murmurs. "I'm trying to protect you."

"Protect me from what?" Cas steps closer.

"From me, if I ever hurt you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Dean lays his head against the top of his car.

"You would never do that, why on earth do you think you would hurt me?" Cas touches Dean's back gently. Dean leans into his touch without thinking, lifting his head.

"Dean, I know you will never hurt me." Cas leans against the car. "I love you, Dean Winchester. This past month has been agony without you. Please,"

Dean looks over at Cas, sees the pain in his eyes. There's no way he can keep making Cas hurt like this. If he's careful there's no way he would hurt Cas ever again.

Dean reaches forward and grabs Cas' face. Then he presses his lips against Cas'. It's like nothing changed between them, their lips work together as if they'd been doing this everyday the past month.

Dean presses Cas against the car with his body. He lets his hands roam, brushing through Cas' hair, caressing his face, slipping under his shirt. He's missed the feel of him beneath his fingers.

When they finally pull away from each other they are both breathing heavily.

"I missed you so much." Dean sighs, resting his forehead against Cas'.

"I know exactly how you feel." Cas smiles, gently touching Dean's face.

"Do you want to come over?" Dean asks.

"More than anything." Cas sighs.

"Where's your car?" Dean asks, glancing around.

"In the shop, I dropped it off last night. I took a cab here." Cas explains.

"Bobby's shop?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I was hoping to see you there, but Bobby said he sent you home."

"Let's go." Dean opens the passenger door for Cas then moves to the driver's side. Cas reaches over and grabs his hand as Dean drives. The way he's holding tight let's Dean know that he's doing it for security. Like he's afraid it's all just going to end up being a dream, a figment of his imagination.

Dean finally pulls into his driveway, reminding him too much of the last night they had spent together. He promises himself it's going to be different this time. It's not going to end in heartbreak.

Dean takes Cas inside and as soon as the door shuts behind them, Dean rounds on Cas, kissing him heavily. All of the feelings of missing Cas builds up within Dean, and pours out through his kiss.

"Dean," Cas sighs.

"I hear my bed calling our names." Dean grins.

"Then let's not keep it waiting then." Cas murmurs, kissing Dean again. They kiss all the way to the bedroom, like they are making up for all the time they missed. They also slowly strip each other down on the way there, leaving a trail of clothes from the front door to the bed.

Dean climbs on top of Cas on the bed,  kissing him heavily. He grinds down on Cas, their cocks rubbing together. Unlike some of the other times, Dean touches Cas with such gentleness, Cas never felt Dean be this soft with him. Dean enters him with a quick snap of his hips. Cas groans loudly as Dean thrusts.

"Ah, Cas," Dean mutters. "I missed you so fucking much." He thrusts harder,  revelling in the feel of Cas around his shaft.

They make love all through the night. Finally Dean falls to the bed next to Cas. Their bodies are sticky with sweat and they are breathing heavily.

"I bet with all the noise we were making the whole street is still awake." Dean chuckles.

"You were so amazing." Cas smiles, looking over at Dean. "I've missed this."

"Yeah, me too, Cas." Dean sighs. "I love you,"

"I love you too," Cas snuggles close to him. "You're sweaty." 

"Well, maybe we should shower, and maybe go on to round -- what is it now?"

"I don't know, I didn't keep count, but a shower sounds wonderful." Cas stands up and stretches. Dean marvels at Cas' beautiful body. It should become one of the world's next wonders. Dean could stare at it all day and not get tired of it.

"What?" Cas asks, blushing as he notices Dean staring.

"You look so amazing. I don't know why the hell I even let you go." Dean stands as well, pressing close behind Cas. "I promise, I'm never going to do it again."

After they shower they lay in bed, exhausted and happy. Cas snuggles close to Dean.

"I'm so glad Sam and Gabe tricked us into this." Cas sighs.

"Yeah, me too." Dean kisses Cas' forehead. They fall asleep next to each other. Sleeping much better than they had any other night in the past month.

Dean only wakes up once, but not from a nightmare. He sees that Cas is sitting up, staring down at him in the moonlit room.

"Cas," Dean frowns, sitting up. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just was so afraid it was all a dream." Cas sighs reaching out to Dean. "I'm so relieved that it wasn't." Dean leans his face into Cas' touch.

"Lets get back to sleep,  Cas," Dean murmurs. "You know I need at least four hours."  He cracks a soft smile.

"Goodnight, Dean." Cas presses a soft kiss to his lips and they lay back down, wrapping their arms around one another. Dean falls asleep peacefully.

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