Chapter 13

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Dean starts awake from the sound of his ringing phone. He blindly gropes for the phone on his bedside table. Cas groans beside him, urging him to stop the phone from making noise. Dean catches hold of it and brings it up to his ear.

"Hello?" He groans.

"Hey, how was dinner?" Sam's voice sounds on the other end. 

"Why the hell are you calling me a God knows what time in the morning?" Dean groans.

"Dean, it's almost one in the afternoon," Sam chuckles.

"Dean, who's calling?" Cas asks in a tired voice, "Tell them to call back later, I'm trying to sleep." He curls up and wraps the blanket tighter around him.

"Sorry, Cas. It's just Sam." Dean responds

"Dinner went well, I presume?" Sam asks cheekily.

"Shut up," Dean sits up, he goes silent for a second. "Thank you, though,  I appreciate it."

"I couldn't stand seeing you like that, you were like a zombie." Sam replies.

"Yeah, well Cas is sleeping, so I'll talk to you later." Dean hangs up and puts his phone back on the table. He lays back down and wraps his arm around Cas.

"I can't sleep now, I'm too awake." Cas murmurs. Rolling over so that he and Dean are staring face to face, their noses touching.

"Me neither, let's get breakfast," Dean suggests.

"Your clock says it's nearly one," Cas murmurs.

"So, we can eat breakfast whenever the hell we want. There's no rule that says we can't." Dean chuckles. 
"Very well," Cas smiles. But neither move from their spots. Instead Dean reaches forward and puts his hand on Cas' bare chest. He can feel the beat of his heart. It's amazing to him how he won't hesitate to end someone's life, but he couldn't imagine stopping the beat of the heart of the man before him.

"What?" Cas asks.

"Nothing, I just- I'm glad you're here." Dean smiles. "We should get up though, I am pretty hungry." Dean sits up. Cas does as well and gets out of the bed. The sheet falls away from his naked body and Dean just stares.

"I need clothes." Cas sighs.

"You look great, don't bother putting on clothes." Dean smirks, climbing out of bed.

"I have to out on clothes, Dean, or would you rather everyone see me in my birthday suit?" Cas tilts his head.

"No one is allowed to see you this way but me." Dean wraps his arms around Cas possessively.

"I didn't think so," Cas presses a kiss to his lips. "I'm gonna borrow some of yours." Cas slips out of Dean's grip and moves to Dean's closet. Once they are both dressed they go out to the car.

"Where to?" Dean asks.

"IHOP has pretty good pancakes." Cas suggests.

"Then IHOP we go." Dean starts the car and pulls out.

Cas reaches out and grabs Dean's hand. Dean smiles softly at Cas.

Dean drives to the restaurant. Neither get out when the car gets parked. Cas just leans over and kisses Dean softly. Dean sighs and pulls away.

"I love you so much." He murmurs.

"I love you too." Cas grins.

They head inside, seeing two elderly couples, a young family, and a group of college age girls.

Dean and Cas sit at a booth table, across from each other. A waiter, a teenage Asian boy. He hands them their menus.

"I'm Kevin, I'll be your waiter today." He smiles forcefully.

"Would you guys like a drink?"

Both men order a coffee, black.

"See anything you like?" Cas asks as he glances at the menu.

"Yes I do, but he's not on the menu." Dean says slyly, looking at Cas.

"Stop it, you're making me blush." Cas covers his face with the menu.

"I like seeing you blush." Dean pulls the menu down. "And you know what else I like to see?" Dean smirks.

"What?" Cas tilts his head. Dean missed seeing that so much.

"Those marks I put on your neck." Dean grins ruefully, looking at the dark marks all over Cas' neck.

"Oh my god, I forgot about those," Cas groans, trying to pull the t-shirt up a little more around his neck.

"Let the world see, show everyone you're taken."

Cas smiles, blushing deeply. Suddenly his phone buzzes in his pocket. He lets out a sigh and pulls out his phone. Dean notices the frown on Cas' face immediately, but he says nothing.

Cas places his phone on the table, ignoring it as it buzzes again.

"I have to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." Cas stands. Dean sees that Cas left his phone sitting face-down on the table. As soon as Cas is out of sight, Dean reaches forward and picks up the phone. It buzzes again in Dean's hand. All three messages are from a number Dean doesn't recognize, the area code is from out of state.

I heard from a friend you're single the first message reads.

I could help you ;)

I miss you so much

Dean frowns deeply at the screen, growling at the unknown person that is messaging Cas.

Dean quickly sets the phone down on the table just as Cas walks out of the bathroom.

Dean quickly covers his face with a smile. As Cas takes a seat the phone buzzes again.

"A bit popular today," Dean says casually glancing at the phone.

"Oh," Cas glares at it.

"Some thing wrong?" Dean asks.

"Its Meg," Cas sighs deeply. "She's  been texting me since the reunion, I try ignoring her, but God, she is so persistent." Cas growls darkly.

"What does she say?" Dean asks in a curious tone, but he's fuming inside. He should have killed her a long time ago.

"Nothing of importance," Cas shrugs.

Throughout breakfast all Dean can think about is Meg. How dare she even think about Cas. She lost her chances with him a long time ago. All she's doing now is hurting Cas, no one can hurt Cas and get away with it. No one. Meg has sealed her fate. She will no longer make Cas hurt.

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