Chapter 16

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Cas stares down at Dean's sleeping form, knowing he's going to wake up soon. Cas can't seem to figure out what Dean was up to last night, though there is an intrusive thought that he keeps trying to suppress. And this isn't the first time Cas has woken up to find Dean missing from the bed in the middle of the night.

Dean is not cheating, Cas knows that for sure. Dean would never do that to him. Cas can't seem to think of any logical reason for him to be leaving in the dead of the night, except for -- no -- Cas doesn't even want that to be an option. Dean is not a killer; Cas couldn't imagine Dean being Cain. But all the signs seem to point that way.

Cas shouldn't even be thinking about this, it's Christmas. It's a happy day. Cas leans down and drops a kiss on Dean's lips. Dean's eyes flutter open, locking onto Cas. He breaks out into a smile.

"Morning, sexy." Dean sits up, stretching, staring at Cas lovingly as he does.

"Merry Christmas," Cas smiles, forgetting any negative though that had just been filling his mind. He loves this man more than anything in existence.

"We should probably get ready, so we can get to Sam's, we slept in kind of late." Cas scoots off the bed, stretching as he does.

"Nah, they can wait, come back to bed, I've got a gift for you." Dean waggles his eyebrows.

"Dean," Cas sighs, giving his boyfriend a look. "We promised them we'd get there at a certain time." Cas shrugs on the ugly Christmas sweater.  "Besides, I have a gift I want to give you later." Cas slips a wink toward Dean. His mind goes to the flat box in the trunk of his car.

"Can't you give it to me now?" Dean's interest is piqued.

"Later," Cas grins, pulling on his pants. Dean groans and gets out of bed, wrapping his arms around Cas from behind.

"That sweater looks absolutely ridiculous. I'd rather see it on the ground while I fuck you senseless." Dean whispers in a husky tone.

"Dean," Cas slips out of his grasp.

"Fine, but that ass is mine when we get home." Dean smirks.

"Get dressed." Cas tosses a shirt at Dean. Cas leaves the room while Dean gets dressed. He starts coffee in the kitchen after turning on the radio, it belts out Christmas music.

Cas pours their cups of coffee and sips it as he waits for Dean.

"Did you see that it snowed last night?" Dean slides into the room as White Christmas plays on the radio.

"I did, they say it's up to two feet in some places." Cas responds.

"Great," Dean grins to himself, imagining the body  last night's victim to be buried beneath the snow, not being found until much later.

"Let's get going," Cas says. They go outside, the untouched snow crunching beneath their feet. Thankfully the roads have been plowed, allowing them to drive to Sam's house.

Dean doesn't bother knocking when they arrive, he just walks right in. The sweet smells of peppermint and sweets fill their noses as they walk into the house, arms loaded with gifts.

"Hey, we're here!" Dean calls.

"In the living room!" Gabriel responds. Dean and Cas make their way there. Finding Gabriel draped across Sam's lap.

"Put the gifts under the tree." Sam gestures toward the tree that is decorated with like 30% ornaments and 70% candy canes.

"You don't think you have enough of those?" Dean chuckles as he sets his bags down.

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