Chapter 21

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"Hey, I'm gonna go get lunch with Sam, you okay to be here by yourself?" Dean asks Cas, who is sitting on the couch watching a documentary about bees.

"Mmhmm," Cas nods absentmindedly.

"Okay, if you need anything while I'm out, just call." Dean walks over and presses a kiss to Cas' forehead before leaving. He meets Sam at their usual place, incidentally it's the same place Dean met Cas. He smiles fondly at the thought.

For once Sam is already there, seated at a table. Usually Dean has to wait on him to arrive. Sam looks absolutely stressed and tired. His hair is falling around his face as he stares down into his cup of coffee.

"Hey, you're early." Dean plops down across from his brother.

"Yeah, I was close by." Sam shrugs. "I've been running around since five this morning. Two victims were found." Sam rubs his face before pushing his hair back.

"Two?" Dean frowns. "There shouldn't be two." He knows damn well he only killed one person last night.

"I know he usually only targets one victim a night, but maybe Cain has upped his game. " Sam sighs. 

"No,  that's not right." Dean shakes his head. 

"I had these printed out so you could take a look." Sam hands Dean a folder. Dean opens it up to reveal the pictures taken of each crime scene.  He has to admit,  his handiwork looks beautiful in daylight.

He hardly glances at the photographs of Randy,  he knows all too well how those look.  The other victim is a young woman, maybe in her early twenties. Like Randy, her stomach has been stabbed and her throat slit.  Dean studies the photos of her,  paying particular attention to the mark, his mark.  It's drawn out on her thigh,  where her skirt has risen from her fall to the ground.

"Look,  this is all wrong." Dean slams the folder on the table,  showing Sam the close up picture of the mark on the female victim and the picture of the mark on Randy.

Dean first points to the Randy picture. "The mark here looks natural, like the killer had been drawing it for years, because he has." Dean gestures to the woman. "Here it looks to precise,  too perfect. Like the killer was trying too hard."

"Are you saying we have a copycat killer?" Sam sighs. 

"That's the only logical explanation." Dean shakes his head,  frowning, but on the inside he is giddy with excitement. It's like Christmas came again.  This will be a worthy opponent, one Dean will enjoy killing.

"I gotta go, I have to let the others know." Sam starts to gather up the photographs.

"Can I keep this?" Dean slides the full body photo of the copycat's victim.

"I suppose," Sam nods.  "Sorry to cut lunch short again."

"It's okay, we can try again next time." Dean waves him off. Sam waves and leaves quickly. Dean studies the photo for a bit longer, sipping at his coffee.

"You didn't do that,  did you?" a familiar voice sounds at Dean's side.  Dean looks up to see Cas standing beside him. 

"What are you doing here?" Dean asks. 

"I asked you first." Cas crosses his arms.

"No, it's my mark, but someone else killed her." Dean flips the paper face down onto the table. "Have a seat."

"Sam texted me,  to answer your question.  He told me he cut lunch short and I should join you. I can see why." Cas smiles softly. "This is where we met."

"I know," Dean grins. "I was seated in that table," Dean points over to a table a few feet away.

"A lot has changed since then." Cas sighs. 

"Yeah, that's for sure." Dean nods. "But those changes haven't been all bad."

"No, not all." Cas shakes his head. "Do you regret any of it?"

"Only one thing. " Dean sighs. "I shouldn't have left you.  That little amount of time we were apart was agony." Dean responds. "That's the only thing I'd take back."

"Yeah,  that was quite terrible." Cas nods in agreement. "But we are together now,  that's all that matters.

They fall silent, Cas stares at the face down picture in front of Dean. Noticing Cas' curiosity, he slides the picture over. 

"She was killed last night, my mark,  my signature kill,  but I didn't do it." Dean explains as Cas flips it over.

"So it's a copycat?" Cas ask, looking at the photo sadly.

"Yes!" Dean says a bit too excitedly, earning a look of disapproval from Cas.

"You sound far too excited about that." Cas hands the picture back to Dean.

"It's a challenge, something exciting. This is much more than choosing a victim, I've been issued a challenge, he wants me to find him." Dean explains, trying to contain his excitement.

"You got all that from one dead body?  Dean, this isn't a game, an innocent woman died." Cas frowns.

"Cas, people die all the time. He probably planned on killing long before this. If I find this son of a bitch I can stop him,  that's why I'm excited, I can get rid of another asshole plaguing the world." Dean's eyes are bright with excitement.

"What if something goes wrong,  what if he kills you instead?" Cas looks at him with worry.

"Not gonna happen,  I'm a tough son of a bitch to kill." Dean smirks.

"I'm not,  Sam,  Charlie, and Bobby aren't.  If he finds out who you are,  he could kill any of us. This isn't just about you and your twisted little game,  Dean. You have people you care about,  people who can get hurt." Cas looks honestly fearful.

"Cas, I won't let anyone hurt you,  if they tried they would meet the end of my blade quicker than pulling a trigger." Dean growls.

"I don't doubt that,  but what if you don't make it in time.  What if I got hurt before you had time to get rid of the threat.  Things you don't expect can always happen. I just hope you are ready to deal with the consequences." Cas says this softly.

"No one is going to hurt you, I promise." Dean sounds so sure,  but Cas is not.  Something is going to happen,  he can feel it.

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