Chapter 19*

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It's been a week and not a single word from Cas. He's only a bit worried. Mostly because he doesn't know where Cas is staying. What if he isn't somewhere safe, what if he got hurt.

It isn't until the seventh night that he finally sees Cas. Rage still continues to course through him. He needs to relieve it, through the use of his blade, of course. His blade is tucked beneath his coat as he walks through streets.

He spots Cas exiting a bar across the street, beside him is Balthazar. After an exchange of words, they split ways.  Dean follows after Cas,  discreetly,  so he's not seen. He can't help but remember the blade beneath his coat. How scared Cas would be to know he's there with it. 

Cas takes a turn and Dean takes a moment to follow. But in that moment he waits, he hears Cas cry out. Adrenaline kicking up, Dean shoots around the corner. 

A man has Cas pressed against the wall, holding a knife to his throat.  Cas looks terrified, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Just give me everything you have and I won't hurt you." The man growls.  Dean whips his blade out in a swift motion. He pulls the guy's head back and presses the blade to his throat.

"How about you drop that knife there," Dean growls.

"Look man, mind your own damn business, and you won't get hurt." the man hisses.  He doesn't sound at all scared even though he had a blade pressed against his throat.

"This is my business, now drop the knife." Dean demands.

"Do you know who I am? I could kill you with this so fast you won't even know what hit you." The man growls.

"To tell you the truth, I don't have a clue as to who you are, buddy, but I'm sure you know me." Dean has on an amused smile.

"I'm Virgil, who the hell are you?" The man tenses, as if he's ready to fight.

"They call me Cain." Dean says simply.  Virgil's knife drops to the ground quick after Dean says that. Dean let's the man pull away.

"Look, man, I didn't mean no harm-"

Dean doesn't care to hear anymore, he plunged his blade into Virgil's stomach, all the way up to the hilt. His glove becomes warm with the other man's blood.  Virgil cries out. Dean twists the blade savagely and rips it out, slitting his throat in one clean slice. He stands there breathing heavily as Virgil drops to the ground,  gurgling on his own blood.

"Dean," Cas says softly beside him. In the moment of the kill Dean completely forgot that Cas was there.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Dean doesn't move forward, not wanting to startle Cas.  Cas glances between Dean, the body, and the knife that was so recently pressed against his throat. Dean had been expecting Cas to run off,  what he wasn't expecting is for Cas to rush forward and throw his arms around Dean. 

"You saved me." Cas sighs.

"For the second time now.  From now on you aren't able to leave bars by yourself anymore." Dean let's his empty hand wrap around Cas. 

"Let's get you home." Dean manges to shove his blade back beneath his coat, soaking his shirt with blood. He walks Cas all the way back home.  He doesn't say anything as they walk.  The realization of what just happened hits him.  He just watched his boyfriend murder a person. Granted, the person was holding him at knife point, but it's murder all the same.

"Why?" Cas asks as they approach the house.

"Why what?" Dean asks,  confused at him speaking so suddenly.

"Why did you kill him? Couldn't you have threatened him or make him leave?" Cas asks.

"Cas, if any person hurts you, I don't care who it is,  they will pay for it with their lives." Dean growls. Just remembering Virgil holding that knife up to Cas' throat sends anger flowing through him. Dean takes Cas to the bedroom, he goes to the bathroom to clean off the evidence of his Missy recent kill.

"I found out about some of the things they did. The people you killed." Cas says in the bathroom doorway.  Dean didn't even hear him get up.

"Is that so?" Dean strips off his shirt which is sticky with blood.

"Yes." Cas nods. "This past week I was busy. I said it was all for my book, but really it was for me. I guess I was looking for a reason to justify your actions."

"What'd you find out?" Dean turns on the hot water for his shower.

"Naomi Parker,  the first person you killed after we started dating, she abused her son, her ex-husband told me everything.  Those people you killed when we broke up, they all had long history of theft and burglary, I had Sam check that for me." Cas steps into the bathroom.  Dean doesn't say anything, doesn't move, waiting for Cas to continue.

"I realized that, these people, they've done terrible things, so a terrible end was no doubt coming for them." Cas takes a deep breath.  "I also know that no matter what, I will love you. I don't even think I have a choice in that anymore.

"As much as it scares me to know what you are capable of doing, I'm also so fascinated. I had been studying you since Alastair. I admired you, and what you did, frankly I was a bit obsessed. I think in a way,  I want you now more than I ever have." With that, Cas grabs Dean and smashes his lips down onto Dean's. The shower completely forgotten, Dean pushes Cas up against the bathroom counter. 

Cas' clothes are ripped off in seconds.  Dean removes his pants, and lifts Cas so that he's sitting on the counter. Without a moment's hesitation, Dean thrusts into him. Cas moans against his lips, wrapping his legs around Dean's waist.  Dean continues to pound into Cas.  Their moans and shouts completely drown out the sound of the running water behind them. Cas sighs his nails into Dean's back. Dean relishes in the pain.

Cas cums with a cry if Dean's name, his back arching and his cum making a sticky mess on both of their chests.  With one final thrust,  Dean cums, filling Cas. They both breath heavily,  staring at one another.

"Don't ever leave me again." Dean murmurs.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Cas sighs.  And Cas is very honest about this. There are no secrets between them anymore. And there is nothing that could drive him away.

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