Chapter 22

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Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, whichever suits your fancy. Hopefully guys are able to spend time with the people you love.

Nearly two months, and every week a new body shows up, each one from the copycat. Dean gets excited with each new one, though he tries his hardest to hide the excitement from Cas, who is in constant worry.

"Dean, these victims aren't like yours. They haven't done anything wrong, they're innocent!" Cas growls to Dean during dinner one night.

"I'm well aware of that, Cas." Dean responds.

"I don't think you are." Cas snaps.

"Cas, calm down." Dean says softly.

"You know why he's doing it, don't you? " Cas hisses.

"He wants me to make my move, wants me to kill so he knows I'm in the game." Dean says.

"Game? Dean, this is not a game! People are dying!" Cas slams his fist on the table.

"He thinks it's a game, he wants me to play. I have to make a kill, or he's just going to keep doing it." Dean explains.

"Then make a damn kill, find a thieving bastard off the street, stop the innocent lives from dying." Cas nearly pleads.

"It has to be the right person, I can't just kill anyone. And I already have the one in mind." Dean says smugly.

"I don't want to know. If you need me, I'll be laying in bed." Cas stands and stalks out of the kitchen. Dean stares after him, but his mind is elsewhere, on his next victim; Dick Roman.  He's a high class man who visits the city often. He may seem like a well respected socialite, but after much research and digging,  Dean has come to find he runs a secret drug  organization. People have tried to come forward about it, but each time the person died in a freak accident.

Dean knows he will be coming to the city this very weekend, Dean just needs to sneak in, which shouldn't be hard.  He stole an FBI badge from Sammy and fixed it up for himself.  All he needs is to get to him without being seen by anyone else. 

Not only that,  but Dean has been so focused on the copycat lately he has slightly neglected Cas. He wants to make it up to him by doing something romantic. So he has that to worry about as well. 

With a sigh Dean stands and makes his way to the bedroom. Cas is laying in bed wearing nothing but his boxers.  Dean slips out of his clothes and slides under the covers.

"I'm sorry I was angry," Cas sighs,  rolling over to face Dean.

"It's okay,  you're just worried." Dean gently runs his hand down Cas' arm. "But you have no reason to be. I wouldn't let anything happen, you know that."

"Only because you say it everyday." Cas smiles softly.

"I say it because I mean it.  Seeing your in danger infuriates me to no end. I would rather turn myself in than to see you be hurt." Dean links his hand with Cas'.

"But what if you get hurt?  That would devastate me." Cas squeezes Dean's hand.

"You won't be devastated because you won't ever have to see it happen." Dean says in a reassuring tone. Cas sighs softly and kisses Dean.

"Go to bed,  babe, I don't want you tired for tomorrow." Dean says sweetly.

"What's tomorrow?" Cas asks with a frown.

Dean just grins raising his eyebrows ever so slightly before pulling Cas close.  Cas rolls his eyes and settles next to his boyfriend. They fall asleep together.

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