Ch 18- Fight Over You

Start from the beginning

"Bring it on, hyung," Namjoon breathed. They laid on the floor, cut and bruised as they stared at the sky. "Yoongi hyung, I hope this doesn't affect our friendship," Namjoon said and coughed. "Same," Yoongi replied. "Did you bring your phone?" Yoongi asked. "I always have my phone with me, why?" Namjoon pulled out his phone.

"Can you call one of the boys to get us, I don't think I can move," Yoongi lift his hand up to cover the sun from blinding him. Namjoon obeyed his hyung and called one of the dongseng.


"Hyung!" The doors to the rooftop slammed against the wall, as all five boys ran over to the limp bodies on the ground. "What the hell happened? Did you two get into a fight with Nambong?" Jin rushed over to Namjoon's side and helped him up, "More like we fought," Yoongi mumbled as Jimin and Hoseok helped him.

"What? You two got into a fight? Hyung that's not like the both of you," Jungkook stood next to Taehyung. "Is something going on, we should know?" Jin said. The boys who helped the other two boys who are badly hurt, set them down. None of the two spoke up and just sat against the wall. It was silent among all the boys, "Girl," Namjoon said shortly.

"Girl?" Taehyung questioned, "Ahh, no way, you two?" Taehyung caught on, pointing to the two bruised boys. "What Taehyung?" Jimin looked at Taehyung. Yoongi and Namjoon both glared at Taehyung quickly and looked away. "They fought over for a girl," Taehyung said with his mouth open, always looking like he's lost. "What girl?" Jin questioned looking at Yoongi and Namjoon.

"Yukiko," Taehyung said afterwards, "It's sort of obvious, I'm literally with them during class, I can tell from the looks," Taehyung shrugged. "You can't tell Yuki about this," Namjoon said. "What are you two going to do, if you both like her?" Jungkook asked. "I'm going to fight to win her, of course," Namjoon groaned touching his dry bloody lip. "We're both going to fight for her," Yoongi said.

The other five boys just sat in silence, "I don't know if I can watch this. I'm not going to take sides, but I will try to support," Jin said, "We're about to debut soon, I hope this doesn't affect your friendship, and the whole group," Jin added. The other boys agreed. Yoongi and Namjoon just sat and stared at each other. "As long as Yuki doesn't know, it's going to confuse her," Namjoon sighed.

"It's going to confuse her if you both are trying to win for her in the future," Jimin added in. The boys sat and listened, "Lets get you two back to the apartment and we'll talk more about it," Jin said. Jimin and Hoseok helped Yoongi, while Jin and Jungkook helped Namjoon. Taehyung went to the office and made an excuse for Namjoon and Yoongi to go home.


The next day Yukiko came to school early, Yoongi wasn't in the music room this morning. I sighed and walked over to the piano and pressed the keys. The doors slid open, hoping it was Yoongi to come in and play the piano with me. "Yoong- oh Jimin hi," I greeted as Jimin smiled. "Hey," he greeted. "What brings you here early in the morning?" I asked.

Jimin shrugged, "I couldn't go back to sleep this morning, so I came in," he smiled sweetly. I nodded and made space for him, "You can sit," Jimin took the offer and sat on the bench right from me. "Can you play?" I asked Jimin. He shook his head, "I'm not that great, I can only play Wedding Dress by Taeyang sunbae-nim," Jimin scratched his head.

"Can I hear it?" Jimin looked at me with eyes wide open, "It's not that good," he chuckled nervously. "It's okay, I heard Namjoon's choppy playing," Jimin and I chuckled, he rubbed his hands, "Um sure," Jimin asked if he could have the whole bench to himself so he could play. I gladly stood up and watched from the side.

He played the beginning of wedding dress shyly, stopping aftewards to look at me with a shy smile, showing his teeth. "Don't stop, it's sounds amazing keep going," I encouraged. He kept playing and played half the song, "That's all I know so far," he shyly rubbed his nape. "That was actually really good, did you teach yourself?" I asked.

Jimin shook his head, "Yoongi hyung taught me," I smiled and sat next to Jimin, "I see," I played on the piano, using one of my originals to play. I tried humming to the lyrics I wrote. "What song is that? I never heard of it, is it new?" Jimin asked, "Uh, it's..." I stopped playing, "It's one of my original," I placed my hands on my lap.

Jimin widen his eyes, "Your original? You compose?" I blinked and nodded, "Wah daebak!" Jimin gasped. "Hope to hear one of your originals soon," Jimin said. I smiled and shrugged, "I don't know."

The past three days Namjoon and Yoongi were not at school, I always asked the boys where they were. The answer was, they were preparing for the debut or they're really busy. I mean I understand they are busy, but maybe a little text message would help and tell me how they're doing. I text them but no reply, just an unseen message.

It was the weekends already, "Mom, I'm going to stroll around for a bit," I wore an oversized pink hoodie with black leggings and my white Nikes. I grabbed my phone and wallet walking out the door, "Okay Yuki, stay warm!" Mom shouted from the kitchen. I walked around the street stopping in a convenient store.

I bought chocolate ice cream although it's freezing cold outside, eating ice cream in the cold is still the same as eating ice cream in the summer. I walked eating my chocolate ice cream, I spot a small play ground with no children present. I decided to sit on the swings and peacefully eat my chocolate ice cream. I stared at the morning sky scooping a spoonful of chocolate ice cream.

I leaned my head against the swing and ate another spoonful of ice cream. I was about to take a bite until the ice cream touched my nose. The cold ice cream shot a cold sensation through my nose, obviously someone pushed my hand up. I glared up and saw that it was Namjoon, with a smile. "Need a napkin?" He pulled out a bag of tissue, I grabbed it and wiped my nose.

I threw the tissue in my empty container of ice cream, I stood up and walked away. "Yuki, Yuki wait!" Namjoon ran up to me grabbing a hold of my wrist. I stopped and didn't face him at all, "Yuki," I turned to him, "You could've at least texted me," I said, "I know, I know I was just..." "Busy? I understand," I pulled my wrist out of his grasp.

I faced my back to him, "I'm sorry," he mumbled, I chuckled, "Don't be, it's not your fault. You were busy preparing whatever you were preparing. I'll see you at school on Monday," I walked ahead. Namjoon grabbed my wrist again, "Don't go, please," he pled. With the tone in his voice made me want to hug him. "Yuki, I need someone right now," his voice sounded tired and worned out.

I looked over my shoulder and saw his face, covered in bandages and a bruise. "What happened?" I walked over, brushing my fingers across his bruise. "It's nothing really, I was being clumsy," he sighed. I mumbled an 'okay' walking away from him, "Where are you going?" He stopped me. I looked down to my feet, "If you want someone to company you, then let's go somewhere warmer," I said.

Namjoon followed and walked next to me as we walked to my house.

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Is this confusing? Is it going too fast? PLS tell me if it is!

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