"N-o! They didn't take Mom! They are only wolves" I claim knowing fully of the lie that I just said, they weren't only wolves but way more.

My dad scoffs laughing to himself. "You're so gullible Rose, this one" my dad points to Jasper behind me. "Is evil feral, a beast that wants nothing more than to feel our lifeless bodies limp between his canines." My dad growls his body begins shaking with temptation? To kill Jasper? I can't be sure.

I shake my head and look back up to my dad, "you're insane dad.. y-you need help."

His eyes shine in the night and he steps closer and raises his hand bringing it up and slapping my cheek. Hard. The breath gets knocked out of me I fall to the side, I don't land on the ground though I land on the soft fur coat of a wolf.

A round of growls erupt through the large group of them, sounding almost like a chorus of wolves, the loudest one of all comes from my wolf, he tries but fails to stand and confront my father I can tell in his eyes that he's mad at himself.

My dad laughs and steps closer to him, "you thought you could get away with taking my Eleanor from me, if you only knew mutt, that I was capable of finding where you beasts live" he growls and steps closer bringing the tip of his gun up to Jasper's skull. "You'll pay for the harm you've brought upon my family."

I push away from the wolf and race over in front of Jasper's body, I hear my dad gasp as he pulls the trigger.

The gunshot rings in my eyes, pain swell up my leg, I whimper and reach down.

Wait... I'm alive?

I open my eyes, the wolves are attacking the humans who are fleeing with fright, I feel weightless like I'm floating, I soon realize I'm in someone's arms, I look up into the dark almost black eyes of Jasper, his face nuzzles into my neck he takes a big sniff before pecking kisses.

My dad gasps and I turn to see his eyes wide with unbelief, "you've, you've brainwashed my daughter! You've taken everything from me!" He yells.

He stumbles closer, "Rose my dear, please don't do this to me! They have taken control of you! You don't know what danger your in if you go with these beasts" he shouts his voice week and anxious.

"You have no business being here anymore, leave if you have your wits about you old man" Jasper growls, I know this must be hard for him to let my dad go. He knows I wouldn't be able to forgive him if he killed my dad, my heart melts, even more, knowing that Jasper probably stopped himself from killing my dad earlier that's probably why he got shot.

My dad shakes his head coming closer, but two wolves appear at Jasper's sides, Avery and Emery the twins.

"I would leave, unless you want your limbs to be ripped off one by one, you'd be in agonizing pain, and to make it better, we'd leave you here when all your limbs have been ripped off to bleed," Jasper says, his voice coming out soft and quite pretty scary if you ask me if I was my dad I'd leave.

My dad's eyes widen and he stumbles back shouting my one last look before turning back and running towards the town along with his other friends.

Jasper sighs and falls to his knees along with the in his arms, "Rose, you are the most stubborn girl I've ever met" Jasper laughs his head falling to the crook of my neck.

I smile, "but that's why you love me" I kiss his temple.

"Alpha, you are injured we must get you back to the pack doctor now! It isn't healing," Avery says walking over, his silver hair flopping over his eyes. A concerned Emery emerges from behind Avery.

"I'll take Rose back to her house, Alpha you need to be looked at," she says her words laced with concern for her Alpha the leader of their pack.

Jasper shakes his head, "she mustn't go back there who knows what her dad will do, it's not safe without me there to protect her." I hop out of his arms and kneel down in front of him, pulling his face closer to me, I kiss his lips, and his arms wrap around my body. "She's coming with us" his voice comes out horse and rough as he went through a change of emotions. "He needs to get checked on my the doctor" Jasper commands.

"But I'm fine, the bullet only grazed my leg," I say. He shakes his head motioning for someone to come over.

The two betas nod and Avery calls over three other warriors wolves to help bring the alpha back. Before they set off down the forest Jasper turns to me. "You stay with Emery," he turns to Emery. "Don't let anything happen to her, you are to guard her until I am fit to look after her myself" he says his voice horse and weak.

Emery nods, "Yas Alpha of course it is my pleasure to be the Luna's personal guard," Emery says then bows.

Jasper turns and gets help from the other wolves there. Emery turns to me.

"Get on my back when I shift, okay?" I nod and stand back letting her shift. The sound of bones cracking fills the forest and my eyes widen when I see a grey wolf standing where a human once was... I'll never get used to this.

I climb onto her back her soft fur caressing me, she trots off closer to the edge of the forest.

The feeling of being watched sends shivers down my spine, my head spins in every direction trying to figure out where the sensation is coming from, my eyes narrow on one spot along the edge of the forest. I see the silhouettes off what looks like people, the glare of the moon gleaming off their eyes, that's what intrigues me the most is that their eyes shine with curiosity and mischief, the dark purples and light red eyes meet mine and just like that they are gone.

I push the sensation away as if it were nothing, but I know that the war has only begun and I am not safe in my small town anymore, the unthinkable has happened, and shits about to hit the fan.


Shoot me now! I know I hate me too! It's been sooo long since I've updated and I hate myself for taking so long!

Please don't hate me! The writers block is now gone and I have so many awesome ideas coming for this book!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

QOTD: what's your favourite part? And if you don't have one who do you hate the most right now?

Please tell me what you hope will happen in this book, your hopes and dreams.


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