ch. 15 ∆∆ NEW ENDING

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These cramped metal benches. This cold eliminate hallway. The smell of medication. Its unbearable, my poor baby is stuck here.

I stroke Entai's down facing ears. "Its okay, Entai. Daddy's going to be just fine." I tell him, although its more to myself then to anybody else.

He's go into be okay.

I have just got him back into I my life after years of waiting and now he's ready to leave again and its all my fault.

I should have been out there when he asked if the door was left open. I should have watched over the one I love. Just married and I'm already making mistakes.

Life threatening mistakes.

What I wouldn't give just to hold him for one last time, so I could tell him how much he means to me. So I'm sure he knows before he dies.


He's going to be fine.. I hope. He's going to be-

"Mr.. Goldman?" A doctor asks, scanning the room in search of the owner of the name. Immediately I fence up, ready for bad news.

"That's me." I reply strongly. I have to keep it together. For Nicotine.

"Your husband has suffered a major head trauma and fractured skull. Luckily when the bullet passed through his brain it didn't hit any major portions. But on a darker note, he is in a coma and due to the bullet passing his Surinam Cortex he might not remember anything when he wakes up." The doctor says.

The words wring through my mind, filling in all the dark spaces. He's alive. My baby is alive!

Yet.. One part stands out.

'He might not remember anything when he wakes up'

So many years we spent together. So many laughs. What if he forgets it all.

That doesn't matter, I can start from square one. He's alive and for that I owe my life.

I silently look at the doctor, fighting the tears that are ready to spill out at any moment.

"You may see him if you like, though he is in a coma he can still hear." The doctor says sadly, offering a sympathetical smile.

"Thank you." I say, smiling back weakly as I make my way to the room where my sleeping beauty lies.

He looks so peaceful. I drop Entails leash by the door where he waits patiently. I hope he only dreams good dreams.

I hold onto his hands, not speaking. His limp hands. Before I could even think tears begin to spill out of my eyes. Damn it, I have to be strong!

Wiping my eyes on my sleeves I place a hand on his cold cheek. His bandage soaked in blood. All the things we have done flash in my head. Why did this have to happen to him of all people!

He was a good person! God damn it he was a god person!

This time I didn't bother to stop the sobs that spilt out. I didn't keep track of time, the only thin on my mind is that the person I love lays on this bed.

And there is still a possibility that.. The man I love might never get out of this bed.

I cried myself to sleep. Arms crossed over the body of my lover, his gown soaked in my tears. I only had nightmares. Something bad is going to happen and I know it.


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