ch. 14

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"Hurry up we have a plane to catch!" I shout to Alex, whom was in the bathroom doing water it is he does in there.

"Just wait for me downstairs!" He yells back. I grab his bag and mine, dragging them behind me as I make my way downstairs. We are on our way to out honeymoon. He's taking me to Ireland, where I was born.

My smile drops into uneasiness as I make it to the last step. The doors wide open.

"Hey baby, did you leave our door open?!" I shout up to him. He peeks his head around the corner, emerging from upstairs to investigate, brush still at hand.

"No, last I checked it was shut." He replies cautiously, shrugging and going back upstairs.

Weird. Maybe the wind knocked it over. I walk over, shutting the door when I see someone sitting ion the couch.

"Jesus, Caleb what are you doing here?!" I scold.

"Just paying a visit to an old friend." He replies with a smirk.

"You can't just walk in like that!" I say, stepping closer. "Do you know how rude that-" my words stop the moment a shiny metallic weapon comes into a view. He had a gun!

"Now nicotine, when I say I'm going to do something I'm going to do it."

I'll be back. His words from the party ring in my head over and over as fear kicks in.

"Now now now Nico, you don't have to be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you." He says, breath thick of alcohol.

What does he want from me, he can't possibly just want to talk, he brought a gun for gods sake!

"In fact in going to make this as painless as possible."


A numbness hits me. I feel the bullet travel through my forehead yet.. There was no pain. All I see is images of Alex fighting Caleb for the gun.

I go to tell him its okay, that I'm okay. That's about when I realized I couldn't move, its like I had no energy. Instead of words, the taste of metal invades my mouth.

I hear sirens, see colors, then the blood fogs my sight and I slip into unconsciousness.



I run downstairs to see what the yelling is about when i see Caleb holding a gun up to my nicotine


As he falls to the ground so does my heart. Entai barks like crazy in the background. Immediately I all 911, trying to take the gun from Caleb at the same time.

"Hello this is 911 how can i-" "MY HUSBANDS BEEN SHOT- GET OFF ME- THE ADDRESS IS 241 DOWNING STREET! -GIVE ME THE GUN-" the phone gets slammed out of my hand and I pull the gun from his fingers.

Holding the gun up to him shakily, I make my way to Nicotine. He looks like he's trying to speak but blood is pouring out of his wound. Tears stream down my face as I stare at his pale skin.

"YOU STAY THERE!" I sob, pointing the gun closer to Caleb, whom had tried to get up when I was distracted.

"Why.." I ask, lowering the gun slightly as sirens ring.

"Why!?" He remains silent.

"GOD DAMN IT, WHY?!" I scream, holding Nicotine close to me, glaring at the smirking figure on the other side of the room.

Police flood in, followed by an ambulance who takes Nico, bringing him to the hospital.

"Can you tell me what happened?" One of the officers ask me calmly.

"We were getting ready to go to Ireland and the door was... Unlocked and-i was getting ready and I came downstairs-and-he-was-pointing the.. The.." I say in between sobs, stopping to catch my breath.

"Is he go into be okay?" I ask quietly.

"I don't know, sir. I'm sorry." The officer says, placing a caring hand on my shoulder as I stroke Entai whom was whining. He probably wants to know if daddy's okay too.

-sir!" The officer says. "We will be back in a few days to ask more questions." I simply not, unable to make out any words. The love of my life just got shot. He's shot. He could be dead. Oh god he could be dead!

I clench my fist, watching the police leave, putting a certain murder in the back seat. I glare at him as he stares at me with a sadistic smile decorating his face.

I have to go to the hospital.

I have to see if he's okay.

He has to be okay, I don't know what I'll do without him.

"Come on Entai, let's go see daddy."


Its a pretty short chapter but filled with shi'ite so it evens out.

Don't kill me, ikik, I planned this when I first started cri cri

He's not dead so I mean woo. Hazah.

C': please let me live, I'm only 17, I have a future. Rip. You wouldn't kill a young gay kid would ya? I hope not.

Comment vote (don't kill me)


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