ch. 3

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"Well are you going to tell me?" Alex asks eagerly.

"Tell you about what?" I stall. Even though im positive the lie will work, I still feel uneasy. Guilty maybe.

He rolls his eyes and smirks at me.

"Please?" He begs, using his best puppy dog face.

A sigh escapes my lips and I move from the doorway to sit on the end of the bed, next to where Alex is currently criss cross, arms crossed and eyebrow cocked.

"My mom just wanted to offer a hand with setting up the bed is all." I state matter-of-factly, grinning at my perfect lie.

He stares at me for a moment then smiles.

"Oh, way to get my hopes up. I thought you got in trouble!" He says jokingly.

"You were hoping I got in trouble?" I ask smirking lightly.

"Well duh, give me a little drama at least. Was she like 'no bitch ima  help you and your gonna deal with it' or anything?" He asks, empathising anything.

It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"No Alex. She did not tell me 'no bitch I'm going to help you and your going to deal with it'." I mock, laying back against the bed to stare at my ceiling fan.

"Your no fun at all!" He whines, grabbing the nearest pillow (the one under my head) and hitting me with it.

I gasp dramatically and grab a pillow from the floor that must have fallen off and hitting him with that.

A few more swings and it was a full blown pillow fight.

"You'll never catch me!" He screeches and right as the words left his mouth he Trips, colliding with the floor. Using my advantage I jump on top of his back and began to repetitively strike him with the pillow.

Laughter rings off the walls causing a happy atmosphere.

He gets up quickly, knocking me off his back onto the floor.

"We NEED to clean your room!" He groans, rubbing his stomach, obviously hiding laughter.

"Over my dead body!" I scream jokingly.

"That.. That can be arranged." He says slyly jumping at me once more.


8:49 pm.

"Gah, I'm not tired at all." I state, picking up clothes from my messy floor and tossing them in the basket my mom more then happily gave me once Alex stated we were cleaning my room.

"Neither am I, we shouldn't have slept all day." He states boredly, organizing and wiping my bookshelf which had, before we started, been emptied, contents spread all over the floor."

"At least I woke up on my own, you were out like a log."

"Pizza, really Nico?" He says, picking up a pizza box that still had half a pizza in it from about a month ago. "How can you live like this?"

"Simple: I'm lazy." I reply happily.

"Tell me something I don't know", he states, tossing the box into the trash. " We already filled three trash bags!"

Pfft. Im fine with my messy room. I don't know why I bother to cleaning it when I know it will be messy again soon. But I must say, it is fun with him.

I glance over to him. He had already been smiling at me, a wide smile plastered on his face.
"Let's take a break, this is proving to be harder then I thought."

"Yeah, I could use a snack."

"We did miss breakfast and lunch after all" he says, placing the trash bag down and admiring his work.
"And your rooms already looking better!"

I smile at him but don't bother resprep. In all honestly he is right, the room does look a lot better then what it was. I'll have to remember to clean it more often.

We go down the stairs, his arm around my shoulder, talking about random things that come to mind, what snacks we want, how life has been, all that jazz.


Something shakes me awake.

Woah, when did I fall asleep? I peek one eye open only to see my brother. I groan and nuzzle back into my warm covers when I noticed and arm beneath my head.

I turn around to find Alex fast asleep.

"I think someone broke in!" My brother whisper yells, making my eyes open widely. Any sleep I had was gone now.

"What?! Is anything missing?!" I whisper yell back.

"No but your room is clean." He states, snickering.

I simply roll my eyes and try to go back to sleep. And sleep is exactly what I did, only to be shaken awake again, this time by two hands.

I groan loudly and open my eyes to see Vin and Alex staring at me.

"Let's go to the mall today!" My brother exclaims, and Alex nodding frantically.

"Yeah I haven't gone in AGES!", Alex says excitingly.

I ignored them and tried to go back to sleep, though it was impossible. They kept poking me in various places.

" FINE!" I yell getting out of bed.

They both exchange looks then grin like children.

"Yey!" They say in unison.


That concludes this very long chapter. Figured I'd make the brothers personality childish but reserved.

Prepare for some (kinda..) Drama next chapter mwahahaha. -taps fingers together manically- till next time my pretties.

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