ch. 9

223 10 4

"Alright, let's play. Who's going first, hm?" I ask, grinning. Maybe I an learn more about Alex, not that I don't already know a lot.

"I will!" Alex states, turning to Jamie.

"Jamie, what's your middle name!" He asks, smirking. Jamie refuses to tell anyone his middle name, we just know it starts with the letter F so we all call him Jamie Fucker Wood, Wood being his last name.

"F.. Francis." He chokes out. Francis? That's.. Perfect.

I begin to laugh, Alex joining in. Soon we were laughing so hard that Jamie just decided to leave. I guess were down a player.

"Nico." Alex says flatly.


"Do you like me?" Whaaaa? What do I say! Maybe he noticed and wants to yell at me!

"Are we still playing or-" he cuts me off short.

"Do you remember the party at all?" He asks softly, looking at me with sad eyes that make me willing to throw myself off a cliff if it would make him laugh only a moment.

"No.." I say cautiously, biting my lip.

"You didn't answer the first question." He states. I guess I haven't, he must have noticed my stalling.

"No." I state, looking directly at him. As soon as I said it his expression shows hurt. His eyes glossed slightly as if tears were to drop any moment.

I move towards him and place my hand on his cheek.

"I love you."

Before I even got a moment to reply, warm lips touched mine. They feel nostalgic... As if... As if iv kissed him bef-

"We kissed at the party!" I gape. Suddenly I feel awful.

"I'm so sorry I didn't remember!" I choke out, hugging him tightly.

"Shh, there's no need to cry its not like you did it on purpose." Cry? My fingers brush against my cheek feeling wetness. I hadn't even noticed I began to cry.

His lips touch mine once again. Its as if I was frozen and just by a kiss I begin to melt and the ice be replaced with fire. I really do love him.

I snake my arms around his neck, breaking the kiss to look at his eyes. His beautiful pale blue eyes.

"Will you-" suddenly the door swings open.

"You guys didn't even come to see if I was alright! I could have bee- oh I was interrupting!" He says after noticing our position, leaving the room as fast as he entered.

"We should go check on him." I suggest, hopping off my bed to find him.

Just like I suspected he had been downstairs, digging in the fridge. The only person I know that eats more then Jamie is Vin. Luckily Vin stayed over with River and Trent.

If Vin had come home with us, we wouldn't have food for breakfast!

"Boo!" I shout, jumping behind Jamie, making him scream and drop all his food. Well all everyone's food. My eyes search the fridge to find it empty.

I look at Jamie and narrow my eyes. I guess he doesn't need Vin to empty the fridge.

I sigh and look between Alex and Jamie. "Let's eat out."

They both jump and cheer. Fat basterds. Well that's what I would say if it weren't for the fact their both perfectly built! Meanwhile I'm here like...

I look down at my skinny, abless tummy. ...this.


I pull up to i-hop, hopping out of the car. To be honest I'm pretty excited for some pancakes too.

Once we walked into the building we noticed three familiar faces. Vin, River, and Trent were here!

"How's the crack!" River asks excitedly, practically, no more literally jumping onto Jamie.

"I walked into these two lovebirds sucking face!" He says, pointing a thumb at us. "I think I need therapy to get that image out of my head!" He teases, winkinat me and Alex.

I blush wildly and look down at my feet, catching glimpse of Alex's hand. He was nervously rubbing his finger with his thumb. I look up and catch his eyes, turning away instantly. I hope no one saw that.

"We have a table right over here." I smooth sugary voice says behind us. We all turn around to see a beautiful green eyed lady with short black hair. I look over to see Trent's jaw basically dragging behind him.

As she directs us to out seat we all pick spots, me next to Alex (duh). Only.. Trent wasn't sitting. He was standing over by the waitress, talking, actually talking. They both laughed and he walked this way to pick the only spot left open.

"Soooo..?" Vin drawls. He must have been just as curious as the rest of them.

"Her names Delia. I invited her to come hang out with us after this, since she gets off work soon." He says, smiling at his lap.

"Great, it will be a right gas!" Alex inquires. It does found pretty fun. I guess today is going to be interesting, we might even make a new friend!


Haha Trent x Delia? Who ships it. ;)

Soooo Alex and Nicotine kissed °〰°)/ is Alex going to ask Nico out or is something going to get in the way mwahahaha.

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