ch. 7

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They all crowd me as soon as he leaves. There's one remark that hit me deep. It was Vin.

"Why didn't you tell me.. I could have helped.." He says softly, even with everyone questioning me I still heard him clearly.

I push away from everyone and run upstairs, needing some space. My hands grip the sink and I look at my reflection. I feel awful for ruining the party's with stupid emotions.

Music starts back up, not quite as loud as before. I guess their starti-

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Nico, let me in." Vin says softly.

"Is it just you?" I ask quietly.

"Yes, its just me. Can I come in?" I rush over and unlock the door, letting him in. As soon as he steps foot in the bathroom I wrap my arms around him to hug him tightly.

He rubs my back, holing onto me. For a while that's all we did. Bonding more as siblings then I knew was possible.

"You alright?" He asks carefully.

"Yea, fine." I say honestly. Before frowning.

I'll be back. Caleb had whispered into my ear, shooting me a smirk.

"Just fine." I smile. Alex and Vin can protect me.

"Then let's go party!" He chants, dragging me out of the bathroom almost face planting into Alex who shared a look with Vin.

"You go down, we will catch up!" Vin smiles at me, waving me away. Well fine then.

I walk to the end of the staircase, hiding around the corner to easedrop.

"-okay.... -but I don't know if-.... -es-... -yeah I do-.." I can only hear Alex, but its quiet so I can't make out the words completely so I tilt my ear closer, staying out of view.

"His eyes-.... -and- ..... Yes. ..... I like him." I hear. Likes who! Does he like me? If not who does he like.

Quickly I make my way to everyone else, trying to forget what I overheard.

"Oi, you alright mate?" Jamie asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine!"  I rush out, smiling. Alex might like me! Don't get your hopes up Nico, ugh!

"Where's Alex and vin?" He asks. Trent points behind me making me jump around.

"Oi, trying to give me a heart attack?!" I screech.

"Shut up, let's drink!"

"What so you want to play first?" River asks. He's been awfully quiet.

"Truth or dare!" Jamie, Trent, Alex, and Vin all shout at the same time, earning a laugh from river.

"Alright let's sit in a circle!" He suggests, taking a seat between Trent and Jamie. I sit, Alex to my right, Jamie to my left.

River places a set of 5 shots in a line from us to the middle.

"These are your chicken shots. As you can tell there's a few extra in the middle just in case you get dared to drink one, that way you don't use up your chicken shots! Last one with shots left wins! Winner picks next game!"

We nod, understanding the rules.

Vin takes responsibility and goes first.

"I'll start! Jamie, truth or dare!'

"Dare!" He responds almost immediately.

"I dare you to... Slap Ricer in the face!"

"Whaaaa!?" River and Jamie both choke out.

The game goes on like this for a while. None of us can even see straight anymore. I'm down to one shot, Trent, River and Vin are out of chicken shots so they are suggesting dares to the people still in, giggling with intoxication.

Vin whispers in Jamie's ear and he smirks widely, Eyeing me. Bleh, what a weirdo. I giggle wildly.

"Alex, truth or dare?" Alex still has 3 of his shots.


"I dare you to..." He pauses to laugh. "Kiss Nico-tiny!"

"Its NICOTINE!" I say, laughing. My laughs got cut short by soft lips against mine. I blush widely, intoxication fading into reality as I realize who's kissing me. Its Alex!

My arms make their way to his shoulders. He takes this is a hint and pulls me into his lap making me gasp. As soon as I do so his tongue finds its way into my mouth. I moan at the sweet taste, heart melting.

As quick as it started he pulls away. I frown in disappointment, still too drunk to care about the others in the room.

"Wow." He says, looking at me mouth agape.

"Yeah.. Wow." I reply breathlessly.

"That. Was. Hot." I voice comes from next to me. I look over, blushing as I see Trent, watching us with interest.

"Don't stop!" They all groan dumbly. God I love having such accepting friends.

I stay on Alex's lap for the rest of the game, laughing and smiling at everyone's jokes. Its like Caleb was never even here.

Just a bunch of friends having a great night. Probably the best night of my life.

I glance at Alex. No, its is definitely the best day of my life.

Oi! They finally did it! -whines tears away- so beautiful.

But what about Caleb, uh ohhh

Haha thanks for reading this far :')

Vote comment and other shit idk (bare with me this is my third chapter today I'm brain dead)

Sorreh the chaps so short don't kill me

:-* ❤❤❤ Alexander

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