7 || Sonnet // Petrarchan

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Author's Note:

  The Petrarchan sonnet, perfected by the Italian poet Petrarch, divides the 14 lines into two sections: an eight-line stanza (octave) rhyming ABBAABBA, and a six-line stanza (sestet) rhyming CDCDCD or CDEEDE.   

Source: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/learn/glossary-terms/sonnet


I am standing alone in a crowded place

Looking for a someone that can love me

For what I am, and for who I am, maybe

You are finding a way out through the maze,

And searching for a one familiar face.

A piercing blue eyes is all I can see.

Our eyes both locked and felt the sparks in thee.

The way you touch my skin makes my heart race.

But fate of destiny falls us apart.

My whole universe has about to end,

A powerful sword was stabbed in my heart

And my heart that is never to be mend.

Sorrowful and gloomy day to start,

Remembering all the moments we spend

And now, all my feelings for you depart.

Unspoken WordsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon